P7 Info W/B 27th January 2020

Hi all,

Athletics CompetitionWell done Loanhead Primary for not only WINNING the athletics competition two weeks ago but we have since heard that Loanhead also WON the whole county competition ( beating 27 other schools!). Our lads and lassies will proudly go on to represent Midlothian in the local county championships at the end of February. For a small school, this is an incredible achievement! Loanhead, you rock!

Poetry– A huge well done to MB, AO and LCh for giving us a musical rendition of ‘Scots Wha Hae’ at the annual Scots Poetry recital on Friday.

Maths/Numeracy – a numeracy sheet will be sent home on Wednesday to be completed by next Wednesday. This week we are studying finance.

Debates – Debates take place this week on Tues, Wed and Thursday. Your child knows which day he/she is debating on. Children should have researched and written notes at home for this.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Many children are nearly finished preparing their WW2 pupil talks. I will confirm dates with pupils this week as to when they can present their work.

RME – We will be finding out about Judaism over the next couple of weeks and learning about Jewish places of worship, Holy books, artefacts, festivals, customs and making a comparison of these with Christianity.

Schedule for the week:


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.

Maths/Numeracy sheet home


That’s all for now!

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt


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