Hi all,
Athletics Competition –Well done Loanhead Primary for not only WINNING the athletics competition two weeks ago but we have since heard that Loanhead also WON the whole county competition ( beating 27 other schools!). Our lads and lassies will proudly go on to represent Midlothian in the local county championships at the end of February. For a small school, this is an incredible achievement! Loanhead, you rock!
Poetry– A huge well done to MB, AO and LCh for giving us a musical rendition of ‘Scots Wha Hae’ at the annual Scots Poetry recital on Friday.
Maths/Numeracy – a numeracy sheet will be sent home on Wednesday to be completed by next Wednesday. This week we are studying finance.
Debates – Debates take place this week on Tues, Wed and Thursday. Your child knows which day he/she is debating on. Children should have researched and written notes at home for this.
Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Many children are nearly finished preparing their WW2 pupil talks. I will confirm dates with pupils this week as to when they can present their work.
RME – We will be finding out about Judaism over the next couple of weeks and learning about Jewish places of worship, Holy books, artefacts, festivals, customs and making a comparison of these with Christianity.
Schedule for the week:
PE – please bring a full kit to change into.
PE – please bring a full kit to change into.
PE – please bring a full kit to change into.
Maths/Numeracy sheet home
That’s all for now!
Thank you,
Miss S Brunt