Sunscreen and Sun Hats

sun protect policy

At Loanhead Nursery we provide outdoor learning experiences all year round, using our nursery garden, going to the woods taking part in forest school activities.  In the Summer months we all want to enjoy the sunshine but we must do this safely.

We ask that all parents/carers apply sunscreen to their child/ children before attending nursery, NHS recommend children use a sun protection factor 30+.

We ask that you provide an unopened bottle of sunscreen that we can keep in the nursery and will support your child to apply throughout the day.

We will have a “nursery” sunscreen (care inspectorate recommended)  to use on odd occasions however we need your permission before letting your child apply this.

Finally, we ask that you provide your child with a labelled sun hat. We will encourage them to wear their hats when they are playing outdoors.

Please also see our recently revised sun protection guidlines.

Thank you for your support!  The Loanhead Nursery Team

👑  P1-3 Jubilee Celebration day 👑

👑  P1-3 Jubilee Celebration day 👑
Wednesday 1st of June
Wear Royal Theme/Colours
Bring a small teddy and small cushion or blanket to sit on (needs to fit in your bag)

*Donations of flags, decorations etc are not necessary but gratefully received.

⭐P4 Homework Update⭐

Please note that all homework and class updates can now be found in Google Classroom.

The children have been shown where to find weekly homework information and we will continue to send out a hard copy weekly on Wednesdays to be returned the following Tuesday.

Kind regards,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P6 Class Information/Updates

Hi all,

Going forward all class reminders/updates can be found on Google Classroom, alongside the class homework. I will remind the children each week to show you the weekly reminders, alongside any other important information.


Miss Lauren Waller

P5 Class Information 23/05/22

As a school we have discussed where we would put information relating to the class. It has been decided that all weekly updates about the class will be on Google Classroom. Please ask your child to see this. I will remind them to show you.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P5 Week Beginning 16/05/22

This week in P5 (16/05/22)

Some of you may have seen or heard about a MISS MACHETTO – she is a student teacher and will be with us until the end of term.


I just wanted to let you all know how well the class did at camp. Everyone took part in everything, they had a real ‘HAVE-A-GO’ attitude. It was lovely to see the children in a different environment facing different challenges.
I could not have been prouder of the class…their behaviour and manners were super!
As part of WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK on TUESDAY we are having HAPPY SHOESDAY  – can children please wear a pair of shoes that make them happy! These should not be high heels, heelies, shoes with studs on the bottom or roller skates. Please make sure they are suitable to wear at school. If they want to wear slippers they need to bring a pair of outdoor shoes.
On Friday at 10.00am the whole school are doing a walk along the safe route and back to school. P5, 6 and 7 will walk with their buddies
FRIDAY: It is French Friday this week at school. We are asking children to wear the colours of the French flag if they would like to (red, white and blue). A couple of the classes are leading a French assembly for us. Please avoid fancy dress costumes in these colours as they may not be suitable to do the school walk in.
Also on Friday at 10.00am the whole school are doing a walk along the safe route and back to school. P5, 6 and 7 will walk with their buddies.
Pupil Talks – Some children will be doing their pupil talk this week and some next week. Your child has been told when their talk is. 
Spelling – Please see spelling jotter. Children can complete it in their jotter or on Google Classroom. If they complete it in their jotter could they try and take a photo and upload it to Google Classroom. This helps to build their IT skills.
Numeracy – please continue with times tables and complete the fraction sheet (to be handed in on Friday 20th)
Reading – please see reading books.
CHROMEBOOKS – The class will not need their chrome books in school on Wednesday or Friday this week.
Kind regards,
Lisa Cumming

P6 Week Beginning 16.5

Hi all,

This week is ‘Walk to School Week!’ On Tuesday, children can wear their happiest (school-appropriate!) shoes to school. Please remember, that the class do have P.E. this day, so they may wish to bring an extra pair to wear when outside and at P.E.

On Friday, we will be going on a whole school walk to celebrate the end of the week. We will be walking with our P1 Buddies.

French Friday – On Friday, the class will be having a French style breakfast and can wear the colours of the French flag (red, blue and white!) to celebrate this day.

Peer Mediation – Mrs Kirby will begin to train the class to become Peer Mediators when they enter P7. This is when they will use restorative practice to help the children in the playground resolve any problems they may have. Our first sessions are on Monday afternoon and Friday morning. 

P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin on Wednesday with Ms Sun.

Assembly on Friday at 11:30am.

Monday 23rd May – Holiday for pupils and inservice for staff.

We have decided we will not be using Chrome-books on a Friday in class, therefore children will not need to bring them into school on Fridays. However, the expectation is still that they are charged at home and brought to school Mon-Thurs.


Reading: Children will continue to have reading homework each night. Please encourage your child at least once a week to read aloud as this supports fluency and expression.

Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter. I am encouraging the children to write in pen, to help them to take care when writing.

Numeracy: This task can be found on Google Classroom.

Please ensure that your child takes care with their spelling homework and completes both their spelling and numeracy homework for Friday. All children can access the homework because they all have a device. 

Thanks for your support,

Miss Lauren Waller