P7 Info W/B 16th May 2022

Hi all,

🚶‍♀️***WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK***🚶‍♀️

This week, pupils are encouraged to get to school using leg power where possible!

👞Shoesday Tuesday – To promote Walk to School Week, wear your favourite shoes ( appropriate for school!) on Tuesday. To round off the week, we will go for a  local walk with our buddies on Friday.

➡️ Transition Information – Pupils going to Lasswade High will now have a transition  task to do each Tuesday and this can be found in their S1 Google Classroom. I am also asking children to check this daily for updates.

Beeslack – We have been notified there will be a transition evening on May 25th – we will update you when we get more details about this event.

Pupils going to Beeslack for Transition Days  ( June 15 -17th) need to be dropped there by parents. Details to follow nearer the time. Lasswade pupils will have a bus provided for them on these three days ( same dates as Beeslack)

🚴Bikeability Group 2 – training continues on Monday 16th May – children know who is in this group and  need to bring their bike to school.

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🏠Homework : Spelling

💻Chromebooks – These devices do need to be taken home and charged up for the following school day. In P7, we use Chromebooks daily. Children now have earphones for various uses in class eg. watching tutorials or using the audio function in writing and on very rare occasions (perhaps during Art & Design where it is beneficial to have a relaxed atmosphere) are allowed to listen to music; please note  this is not allowed at any other time during the school day.

📝Poetry Competition – The annual poetry competition is upon us. P7 have been putting their knowledge of figurative language to good use to create poems. One poem will be selected to be put forward in to the school wide competition.

French Friday – There will be a French theme on Friday 20th May. Wear red, white and blue clothes to school if you wish.

📅Calendar of events – The latest  school newsletter should have been received. This has important dates for your diary. P7 also created a calendar in Google Drawings on Friday and added these dates in. There are only  seven weeks left yet still so much to fit in.

❗❗Please keep Tuesday 28th June ( afternoon) free for the P7 Leavers Show! Time to be confirmed soon – please be aware of the hugely busy term we have in school with lots of classes to arrange and timetable for.

❗❗❗Also, please note the new time for school to close on the very final day – on Thursday 30th June, school will now close at 12:25pm and not 3:15pm as originally proposed. 

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt


Just to keep everyone up to date , all homework and class updates will now be posted on Google Classroom from Monday 16th of May. All the children are familiar with this platform.


Miss Ramsay

⛅P4 Homework & Update – May 22

⛅ May 2022 ⛅

We can hardly believe that it is already the summer term and P4 have already started their swimming block on Friday mornings! Everyone came back after the Easter break refreshed and ready to learn. We will continue with our tremendous effort towards our homework and are very proud to see how many pupils are achieving their ‘Gold Certificates’ 🥇 – keep up the fabulous work P4!


  • 🔡Spelling: homework tasks consist of pupils writing new spelling words in their homework jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:

                    LOOK   THINK/SAY  COVER   WRITE   CHECK

  • 🔤 writing out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils credit card points. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Monday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week. All activities are discussed in class so your child should be able to complete these tasks independently or with minimal adult support.
  • 🔢Numeracy & Maths: each week an activity sheet will be given to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Monday of the following week.
  • 📚Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which goes home once or twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date written on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • 👟PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be a mix of indoor and outdoor activities where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on Monday and Wednesday each week.  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, fleece and outdoor showerproof jacket. We still don’t have a changing area at present so children will wear their kit for the day. Additionally, please ensure pupils bring a water bottle to keep hydrated.

Additional Information

🧧Mandarin – P4 will continue to take part in weekly, half hour Mandarin lessons every Wednesday morning and we are very excited about the up and coming trip to Edinburgh Zoo to visit the pandas (more details to follow).

💻Digital Devices – All pupils are now managing their Chrome Books between school and home very well. Please remember that the devices will follow pupils through their schooling, therefore it is extremely important that they are taken care of and we ask that you ensure that pupils pack their device every morning for use in school. If they are forgotten then the office will phone home and request that it is dropped at school to ensure valuable learning is not missed.

👟Indoor Shoes –  All pupils have been requested to bring a pair of indoor shoes, suitable for PE, to school. This is to protect the school carpets which cost a great deal to clean.

🏫Whole School Assembly – We are delighted to be back together in the hall as a whole school to take part in weekly assemblies. Unfortunately due to the timing of P4 swimming sessions we will only be able to attend the Head Teacher Award assemblies at the end of May and June.

🌲Outdoor Learning – Pupils will continue to enjoy learning in the outdoors during the summer term as we study the various trees that surround our school.

📅 Diary dates:

💻 Parent Digital Support for Chrome Books – A text with a link to sign up for one of our support sessions for you and your child. These take place next week in school. The sessions are as follows;

Monday 9th May 9am

Wednesday 11th May 3.20pm

Friday 13th May 12.30pm

If you are unable to book online, and would like a place on one of the sessions, please contact the school office

Friday 29th April – Friday 24th June –  P4 swimming lessons

Wednesday 11th May 7pm – Parent Council Meeting – ALL WELCOME

Thursday 12th May – Thursday 23rd June  – Parkour, 12.15pm – 12.45pm P4-7

Monday 16th May – Friday 20th May – Walk to School Week

Monday 23rd May – PUPIL HOLIDAY / Inservice Day – staff only attend

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email on our new address:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P7 Info W/B Monday 9th May 2022

*Apologies for the previous wrong date!*


Hi all,

⭐⭐⭐🏀Congratulations to the P7 basketball teams who took part in an Active Schools tournament at Newbattle High last week. Although it was a friendly event, children were still keen to find out how they performed! We had two teams and played on the same court. Team One won all their matches and actually topped the table for their group and Team Two came third! Not only that, the children represented the school admirably in terms of behaviour, manners and sportsmanship. Well done guys, so proud! 🏀⭐⭐⭐

🚴Bikeability Group 2 – training resumes on Monday 9th May – children know who is in this group and  need to bring their bike to school.

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🏠Homework : Spelling and Numeracy ( Google Classroom from Wed)

💻P7 pupils completed their ‘Camp Blog’ Google Slideshow and each shared this with their P2 buddy last week. The Slideshow is a great way to capture all the memories and photos of a great week. A couple of P7s will share their blog with the school during assembly this week.

➡️ Transition Information – Pupils going to Lasswade High will now have a transition  task to do each Tuesday and this can be found in their S1 Google Classroom. I am also asking children to check this daily for updates.

📅Calendar of events – The latest  school newsletter should have been received. This has important dates for your diary. P7 also created a calendar in Google Drawings on Friday and added these dates in. There are only eight weeks left yet still so much to fit in.

❗❗Please keep Tuesday 28th June ( afternoon) free for the P7 Leavers Show!

❗❗❗Also, please note the new time for school to close on the very final day – on Thursday 30th June, school will now close at 12:25pm and not 3:15pm as originally proposed. 

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P6 Week Beginning 9.5


P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin on Wednesday with Ms Sun.

Assembly on Friday at 11:30am – we will be hearing all about P5 and P7 camp!

EUROQUIZ Please return the live-streaming consent letters this week. I am also looking for a parent helper to accompany us on this trip, if you are a parent/carer of a child in team (including subs!), then please let me know if you are able to help out on Monday 13th June. 

Please remember that children are expected to bring their Chromebook into school every day and it has to be charged at home. 

‘Keep the Heid’ – this week the children will be reading for pleasure for at least 6 minutes every day. They can bring in a book from home, if they wish. If you would like to know more about this, then the link is on Google Classroom.


Reading: Children will continue to have reading homework each night. Please encourage your child at least once a week to read aloud as this supports fluency and expression.

Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter. I am encouraging the children to write in pen, to help them to take care when writing.

Literacy: This task can be found on Google Classroom, alongside the spelling task. The children have to read the sentence and highlight the correct word which should go in the space. There is an example on the document, please do not support your child with the meanings of the word, it is important this is completed independently.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Week Beginning 2.5.22

Hi all,

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday.

P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin on Wednesday with Ms Sun.

Assembly on Friday at 11:30am – community news this week!

On Thursday morning, I have a meeting at 9am, so Mrs Falconer will cover the class for the first hour. They will follow the same routine, with numeracy in the morning.

EUROQUIZ – For those children who are in the EUROQUIZ, they have after school revision on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure all permission letters for this are returned. More details about the final will be issued in the coming week.

Please remember that children are expected to bring their Chromebook into school every day and it has to be charged at home. 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loanheadps

Homework – This week homework will go out on Tuesday and should be returned on Friday. 

Reading: Children will continue to have reading homework each night. Please encourage your child at least once a week to read aloud as this supports fluency and expression.

Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter, and then there is a task to complete on Google Classroom. I am encouraging the children to write in pen, to help them to take care when writing.

Next week, the children will also have a literacy task to complete. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller
