P3 Week Beginning 28/09/20

Primary 3 

Can all children please bring a jacket as the weather is changing. I know that some children come in a car and it is easy to forget but the children are outside for break times.

Here is the reading and spelling homework for the week:


Stripes: The Quest 

Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Zigs Zags: Lost in the Jungle

Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Spots: Princess Pip’s Holiday

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Chapter 4

Polka Dots: Hamper’s Great Escape

Monday – Chapter 2
Tuesday – Chapter 4
Wednesday – Chapter 5
Thursday – Find 10 descriptive words in your book

Waves: My Dog Ned

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4 -5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15


Spelling word list below and in the blue homework jotter. Please also do 3 sentences using the spelling words.

When the letter ‘c’ is followed by the vowels e, i or y then its sound is usually changed from the hard ‘k’ sound to a soft ‘s’ sound as in ‘ice’ or ‘city’


Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.


Please complete an activity from the grid in the back of the homework jotter.

PE on Wednesday as usual – please wear comfy clothes and bring warm / waterproof jackets as PE is not allowed to be done indoors.

Many thanks

Lisa Cumming and Kirsteen Ramsay



🍁 P5 Info – 28.9.20

Hi all,

The winter weather is beginning to creep up on us, so please ensure your child brings a warm and waterproof jacket to school. We also have to keep classroom windows open for ventilation, so you may wish to give your child a jumper/hoody to bring incase they get a little chilly in class.

🔬 We won’t have science with Mrs Cumming on Monday but we will have a science/STEM lesson later on in the week instead.

P.E is on Wednesday, so please remember to dress appropriately for this.

🥁 On Thursday afternoon (2pm – 3pm), we will have a virtual music lesson from Danny. You may remember him from previous years, he comes in to teach classes drumming. However, due to the current climate, we will be participating virtually and it will be body percussion instead of using instruments.

Homework 📝 (Set on Monday and to be returned on Friday)

Reading 📚- Children should bring their reading record and book to school everyday. Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green record daily.

Spelling✏️- The children will copy their new spelling words on Monday morning.

Pupil Talks🗣- I have uploaded a letter onto Google Classroom with more information for our Pupil Talks. These should be prepared and ready for Monday 12th October. If you have any issues or require anything, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact. The letter can also be accessed below.

Primary 5 Pupil Talk

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller



P6 Info W/B 28th September 2020

Hi all,

There’s not much change to the week ahead from previous weeks. Homework is still Spelling and Maths.

Maths/Numeracy – A numeracy worksheet will be sent home on Thursday.

PE – Tuesdays


HT Award – As a school, we managed to have our first Assembly via Zoom. There was a couple of technical issues to sort out but hopefully we’ll be up and running again by next Friday. It will be nice to see other classes once more.

Congratulations to Tamar for receiving this month’s HT Award.

Science – What fun P6 had, testing and comparing materials for water absorbency! After having five minutes of being allowed to go mad squirting water with the plastic syringes outside, children quickly settled down to design their own experiments to test sample materials. These tasks generated an amazing amount of interesting discussion! Most pupils declared the sponge as the most absorbent. We will extend this topic to next week.

Art – Each week we focus on a technical skill. Recently, we have drawn scenes with vanishing points, studied shadows and last week, developed shading techniques using hatching/cross hatching.

Drama and Circle of Friends – On Mondays, P6 have a drama session and have been working on improvisation skills. Circle of Friends is part of Health and Well-being where children participate in activities exploring friendship and relationships.

Music – Although we have no music specialist teacher this term, P6 are still having a musical session on Friday mornings where they have been learning a bit about rhythm, beat , tempo, pitch and other dynamics. We have now been offered some rhythmic/percussion sessions with Daniel who normally coaches African Drumming.

That is all for now,

Miss Brunt

P7 Homework – Week Beg: 28th September

Hi P7,

This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings practice and reading, which will be set on Monday morning during our reading groups.

Please see Google Classroom

NOTE: I will be providing paper copies for pupils who are still having issues with accessing Google Classroom.


Spellings the same as last week, copy our your spelling words on the Google Document and then attempt the Spelling activity of your choice that best helps you practise.

For homework this week, our activity is on Time.
This will be related to the topic we have been working on in class. This worksheet should give a real life context to using time.

What do I need to do?
1. Read the questions carefully, checking the name of the City and the time to be added or subtracted.
2. Answer the questions provided.
3. Use a smartphone, tablet or computer to access the internet to find the time in different cities from around the world, then compare this to GMT (UK Time) to workout the answers.

Where do I write my answers?
Complete these questions by editing the google document, or do them on an A4 page, then post a picture of your completed work.


Mr Nelson

🌟 P5 Info – 22.9.20

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend, I think it was very much needed! ☺️

Some children may have different books this week, so your child may come home saying they are in a new reading group.

Homework 📝 (Set on Tuesday and to be returned on Friday)

Reading 📚- Children should bring their reading record and book to school everyday. Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green record daily.

Spelling✏️- The children have copied their new spelling words into their spelling jotter.

There will be no maths/numeracy task for the next few weeks, as a letter will be put on Google Classroom on Friday with information about pupil talks.

P.E. is on Wednesday afternoons, please remember to come dressed for it.

Mrs Donnelly is hoping to host a virtual assembly on Friday for the school too, how exciting!

If you need anything then please don’t hesitate to get in contact – L.Waller@mgfl.net

Miss Lauren Waller

🌈22nd September – P1 News and information⭐️

🍎I hope everyone is well rested after their long weekend, I think everyone needed at least one ling lie, I know I did.🍏

This week our sounds are h and r, you can find the jolly phonics short songs clips on youtube, I am sure the children would love to perform them for you.

🎯Please remember to complete the Phonics homework book each week – this should be completed to r by this Friday.

📒 Most groups will have reading this week on Wednesday, please can bookbags and diaries come to school daily.

SEESAW – A couple of families have not yet accessed SEESAW, the feedback has been so positive about seeing your child’s learning journey so far, if you still need assistance please email me k.hinton@mgfl.net and I can email you the invite code for your child.

I have also set a short task on SEESAW for you to try if you wish (instructions and task are in the activities section), it discusses our RED ZONE 😡 and requires some discussion and using the app to note responses.  It is meant to be quite engaging and quick and useful for as all to play around with the app incase of  a time where more online activities will be required. 💻

💂🏻‍♀️ 👷🏻PEOPLE WHO HELP US is our topic and it is usually a really fun one as we can have visitors and great discussions around the topic.

This week I would like children to try and find a “person who helps us” and get a photo of themselves with that person (e.g. a family member who works in a shop (in uniform), lollipop lady, childminder etc).  Basically everyone helps someone and it would be nice to have photos of children with a variety of helpers.

Obviously, keep within the COVID guidelines but this is why I suggested a family member or standing beside a vehicle or building associated with people who help us.  Be creative 🙂 Also if you have relevant photos in your albums already these would be great to use too.

These can be emailed to me at k.hinton@mgfl.net.👩🏻‍🚒 👮🏻

NUMBER – We are working hard to recognise number words and matching them to numerals.  We are counting to and from 10 and adding numbers to make 10.

GENTLE REMINDER – We are not permitted to change shoes or clothes so come dressed for activities on Thursday.  WATER ONLY in water bottles unless this is just for lunch. WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL, THIS INCLUDES NUTELLA.

Many thanks

Karen Hinton

P3 Week beginning 21st September

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.

Here is the homework for this week:


Polka Dots: Robbie Woods and his Merry Men

Tuesday – Chapter 2

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday – Chapter Chapter 6

Spots: The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

Tuesday – Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday – Chapter 3

Stripes: Litter Queen

Tuesday – Page 1 – 10

Wednesday – Page 11 – 21

Thursday – Page 22 -32

Zig Zags: The Red Planet

Tuesday – Page 1 – 10

Wednesday – Page 11 – 21

Thursday – Page 22 -32

Waves: On the Bus

Tuesday – Page 4-5 Speed Sounds

Wednesday – Page 6-7 Story Green Words and Red Words

Thursday – Page 8-15

Numeracy: Please choose an activity from the Home Learning Grid in the back of the blue homework jotter.

Spelling: Please see the blue jotter, there is a list of words that the children need to learn over the week for a spelling test and dictation. These can be learnt in a way that suits your child. They also need to complete three sentences using some of their spelling words. Please encourage capital letters and full stops in their sentences and accurate spelling of common words. I have attached a sheet of suggestions to help your child learn their words,  they could also write them out three times using LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.

PE is as usual on Wednesday.

We are hoping to have a short online assembly in the school on Friday.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Lisa Cumming and Kirsteen Ramsay

P6 Info W/B Tuesday 22nd September

Hi all,

Spelling – Thanks so much to everyone who completed their spelling homework on time and took care over neatness and presentation. Children will copy down their new list on Tuesday to be handed in on Friday.

Maths/Numeracy – A numeracy worksheet will be sent home on Thursday.

Reading – We have finished reading  Kensuke’s Kingdom but still have tasks to complete on this book in class.

Children have all been given a new reading book which I want to hear in class. Thus, no reading homework has been issued.

PE – Tuesdays

That is all for now,

Miss Brunt