P3 Homework – 29.3.33

Hi everyone,

Homework –

Homework will go out on a Tuesday and be returned the following Monday. This is to accommodate families who have parents working long hours and children with extracurricular activities. If you wish to still hand in Friday that isn’t a problem.


Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously. Remember the third column is optional.

Spelling focus for each group:

Ravenclaw – long o –  oa and o-e and ow revision.

As Ravenclaw are the only group with spelling words I have agreed a trade off that work can be done on chrome books and either sent to me electronically or printed and stuck into books. If your child still wishes to handwrite that is ok too.

Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff  are all in a check up week therefore have no spelling words. If you wish to do some additional work please revise any spelling patterns previously taught.  There is no formal homework set.


Dragons : The Night of the Ticklers

Tuesday– Chpt 2 – 3

Wednesday – Chpt 4-5

Thursday- Chpt 6 – 7

Fri/Weekend  Chpt – 8, 9, 10


Nessies: Okay, Spanner, You Win!

Tuesday– Chpt 1

Wednesday – Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Fri/Weekend  chpt 4-5


Unicorns – Robbie Woods and his Merry Men

Tuesday –  Chpt 1 + 2

Wednesday –  Chpt 3 + 4

Thursday- Chpt 5

Friday/Weekend –  Chpt 6


Kelpies – Boss Dog of Blossom Street (Some books may be marked as level 9. This is due to changes within the ORT scheme. The book is still level 10)

Tuesday– Chpt 1

Wednesday- Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Fri/Weekend – Author’s Note and research which other books she has written


Selkies – Survival Adventure (New Stage)

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End


Mermaids – Egyptian Adventure

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay


P6 Week Beginning 28.3


P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin  on Wednesday with Ms Sun and the last week of gardening.

Please remember that children are expected to bring their Chromebook into school every day and it has to be charged at home. 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loanheadps

Science: We really enjoyed our science morning on Tuesday, learning all about electricity and circuits. We will be be continuing this on Thursday morning – learning about how batteries work and building different types of circuits!


Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter, and then there is a task to complete on Google Classroom.

Titanic Pupil Talk: The children should continue to work on their Titanic talk.

Numeracy: There will be a worksheet given to all children which revises some numeracy concepts we have learned this year.

Just a reminder that ALL children are expected to hand in their homework on FRIDAY of each week. Homework should be neat and legible. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P5 Week Beginning 28/03/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week’s outdoor learning session on Monday was enjoyed by everyone immensely, it helped that we had such beautiful weather. We have our final outdoor learning session on Monday – hopefully the rain stays off.

Golf at Beeslack

Thursday we are off to Beeslack High School for the morning for the Ryder Cup Golf session. If possible please can all children be at school by 8.45am as the bus is booked for 8.50am.

Spelling and Reading 

Please see reading books and jotters for this weeks homework.


It’s great to see that everyone is remembering to bring them daily. Please encourage your child to remember to charge them at home.

Please send in indoor shoes if you can and haven’t already done so…it really helps the carpets. Thank you to those who have sent them in.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming                                                       l.cumming@midlothian.education

Primary 2 Homework 22.3.22


The reading homework and spelling words have gone home in reading bags today. Our sound of the week is ‘ow’ as in ‘snow’.

I have created a sumdog challenge based on what we have been covering in class with the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Good luck Primary 2!

On Wednesday the chrome-books will be going home along with chargers and a copy of the pupils passcodes. We have been discussing how carefully we treat our chrome-books in class and how to continue to do so at home. There is a school wide expectation that the chrome-books are brought into school every day with enough charge, the office will be in contact if a pupil has forgotten theirs one morning. Chargers may stay at home.

In class we have been working on independent logging in, using the keyboard and how to access a few useful learning websites. After the Easter holidays homework will be posted onto google classroom and I will work in class with the children on how to access their homework tasks independently. I know they are very excited to bring the chrome-books home!

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

P6 Week Beginning 21.3

Hi all,

This week we return back to normal with myself teaching the class again.

This week:

On Tuesday, we will have a science morning with myself and Mrs Cumming. The class will be learning about electricity and electric circuits. It should be great fun.

P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin on Wednesday with Ms Sun.

The first 10 children took part in  gardening last week and there will be another ten this Wednesday afternoon and next. All children will have the chance to take part.

Please remember that children are expected to bring their Chromebook into school every day and it has to be charged at home. 

We will begin to use twitter more often to share pictures of our learning. Be sure to give our twitter page a follow to keep up to date with everything! https://twitter.com/loanheadps


Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter, and then there is a task to complete in their jotters too. All information is on Google Classroom.

Titanic Pupil Talk: For the next two weeks, children should work on producing a solo talk to present to the class, all about our new topic, The Titanic. A letter containing the details on this can be found on Google Classroom. I have also created a ‘drop box’ where children can upload any digital resources they may have for it (powerpoint, images etc.), as this will be easier to access on the day.

Just a reminder that ALL children are expected to hand in their homework on FRIDAY of each week. Homework should be neat and legible. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 Info W/B 21st March 2022

Hi all,

🏕️CAMP – One week to go! Excitement is mounting and we’ll make sure we have plenty of discussion this week about what to expect at camp. I’ll post up a copy of the kit-list in Google Classroom mid week ( plus any other reminders/arrangement details).

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🧪Science – Last week, with Mrs Cumming,  children employed fair testing techniques to investigate the process of dissolving. Children had to plan an initial test, record and understand their findings and then carry out a second test, only changing one aspect. Substances tested included sugar and coffee.

🌋In the week ahead with Mr Forbes,  P7 will use further scientific processes to explore the power of volcanoes. Our current topic is ‘Natural Disasters‘.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A task will be set in Sumdog from Monday 21st.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt