P7 Info W/B 21st March 2022

Hi all,

🏕️CAMP – One week to go! Excitement is mounting and we’ll make sure we have plenty of discussion this week about what to expect at camp. I’ll post up a copy of the kit-list in Google Classroom mid week ( plus any other reminders/arrangement details).

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🧪Science – Last week, with Mrs Cumming,  children employed fair testing techniques to investigate the process of dissolving. Children had to plan an initial test, record and understand their findings and then carry out a second test, only changing one aspect. Substances tested included sugar and coffee.

🌋In the week ahead with Mr Forbes,  P7 will use further scientific processes to explore the power of volcanoes. Our current topic is ‘Natural Disasters‘.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A task will be set in Sumdog from Monday 21st.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

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