P4 Homework w/c 27.1.20

Hello and a huge well done to all those pupils who took part in the Scottish poetry competition last Friday. P4 were particularly proud of FC and AP for their fabulous contribution.


  • Spelling: Pupils will write their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory

  • Numeracy & Maths: please continue to practise individually chosen, times tables for ‘hot-seat’ testing in class
  • Reading: pupils will continue to learn new Literacy Circle roles in class over the next few weeks so there will be no need to take reading books home.  Reading groups will continue to be heard in class
  • Pupil Talks: pupils have chosen dates and times for their personal choice of topic to be presented to the class (slips went home w/c 13.1.20). Talks should be approximately 2 minutes with questions at the end. Skills will be taught in class over the coming weeks and slips include some handy hints but please ensure pupils do not worry about this and have fun preparing. We look forward to hearing the following pupils on Wednesday afternoon: TC, HC, FA, ZM, MK & CS
  • PE : will continue as normal this week on Tuesday and Thursday with a P4 class handball tournament on Fridays over the coming weeks

Additional Information

Thursday 6th February 2020 – Learning Trio, 3:45pm – 8:00pm, Appointment slips will come home with pupils on Monday 27th January

Friday 7th February 2020 – Learning Trio, 1:00pm – 4:00pm

As always, many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

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