I would just like to say a huge well done to LT and ES who showed great confidence reciting their poems to the whole school on Friday – the class and I are very proud of them both. 🙂
Learning Trio Appointment slips have been given to every child last week, if you require a change to your appointment then please contact the school office regarding this. Just a gentle reminder that your child must be present at the meeting too.
For the next few weeks, P2 will have P.E. on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Rugby will also continue this week on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings a bottle filled with water and a full P.E kit.
Homework for the week:
Reading: As always, the pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside the date to show reading has been completed each night.
Spelling: This week we are learning magic e with u (u_e). For example, cube, tube and flute. Just a reminder that children can write their spelling list in rainbow colours, silly sentences or even do an active activity (play dough words, making words with magnets etc.) – you can glue photos of this in their jotter or write about it!
Please never hesitate to contact me if you require anything – L.Waller@mgfl.net
Thank you all so much for your continued support,
Miss Lauren Waller