P7 Info W/B 31st Jan 2022

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

***Lunches***-  P7  can once again order a hot meal from the school canteen. Please purchase via ParentPay beforehand.

Menu information can be found here:


Alternatively, children can bring in their own packed lunch from home to eat.

🍎😊 Health Week 2 – This Health Week will focus on mental wellbeing. We will explore ways to regulate our emotions using discussions and mindfulness activities. We will also learn more about substance misuse and discuss issues around this.

📚Reading – We are reading The Diary of Anne Frank. This is part of our WW2 studies and will also incorporate  some learning about Judaism.

👨   Mr Forbes , a student teacher,  continues his placement with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mr Forbes has already started a music project with the class which should be exciting and lots of fun!

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – This week we will be studying number patterns/relationships and rotational symmetry. I will give out a homework task relating to this on Thursday.

⭐⭐⭐Congratulations to OT who represented P7 in our annual Scots Poetry Recital and took top prize within the upper atrium! Many thanks to him and all the other pupils who worked so hard to learn their poems and were brave enough to recite in front of the class! Well done! ⭐⭐⭐

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P5 Week Beginning 28/01/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to say how impressed I was with the children’s efforts at learning a poem in Scots language. They all did so well and clearly worked hard with it. What was lovely to see was that all the children stood in front of the class and had a go, this is difficult to do and I know some children found it particularly hard. We have been talking about ‘trying new things’ and ‘going out of our comfort zone’ – most of the children were out of their comfort zone this week – they should all be very proud of themselves as I am of them!

This week: READING please see reading books and jotters. I am gradually introducing reading tasks to the groups – these are in their specific reading jotter.

SPELLING: I am changing the day that I hand out spelling – this is because of the change in P.E. day. Homework will come home on a Tuesday now but is not due back until the following Monday. If it is completed then it can be handed in before if they prefer to do it before the weekend. Their spelling dictation will still be on the Friday so they do need to have been learning the words through the week.

P.E. Monday and Wednesday

MANDARIN: Wednesday – the children have been learning about Chinese New Year with Miss Sun. Also learning to write Chinese characters using traditional brush pens and holding them the correct way.

HEALTH WEEK: This is the second of our three health weeks. Our focus this week is on mental health. We will be looking at positive friendships and exploring substance misuse. As a class we have a daily positive affirmation which we discuss and share examples of.  In P.E. Miss Simpson will be doing some yoga at the end of each session.

SCHOOL LUNCHES: This week we will return to eating in the lunch hall. Children will go outside at 12.30pm and be called in by a bell to eat and then be able to go back outside if they have finished by 1.15pm.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming   l.cumming@midlothian.education

Primary 2 Newsletter 28.1.22

I have attached our weekly newsletter below. Just a wee reminder the children have outdoor learning on  Monday with Miss Simpson. Please can they come to school dressed ready this and they may bring in a change of clothes.

newsletter 16

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

Primary 2 Homework and outdoor learning 25.1.22


The homework for this week:

  • Numeracy: Have a go at place value basketball on the website Topmarks. Follow the link below and select 0-99. For a challenge give 0-999 a go! I have also set up a sumdog challenge which they have until Monday evening to try to complete. Good luck and please ask me if you need another copy of login details.
  • https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball
  • Reading: The children have each brought home their reading books to practise this week.
  • Spelling: The spelling words to practise this week are cod   lot   snap   bone   nose   home   globe   live   give   tadpole

On Monday the 31st January and Monday 7th February Primary two will be taking part in outdoor learning sessions with Miss Simpson and Mrs Wallace. These will run from 915-11am. The children will be going out even if it’s rainy so please can they wear suitable outdoor clothing. A change of clothing may be useful especially if it is wet outside.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

P5 Week Beginning 24/01/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to those who have completed the sign up form for the new Chromebooks, there are a few still outstanding so if you haven’t completed the online form please could you do so ASAP.

P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday -please remember to come in appropriate clothing and with water for hydration.

Please see reading books for homework.

Spelling homework is in their jotter.

Scottish poetry recital. As I hope you will have seen, all the children were given a scot’s poem to learn. On Tuesday they will be performing them in front of the class and someone will be chosen to represent the class in the competition on Friday.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming                                                          l.cumming@midlothian.education

P3 Homework week beginning 24.1.21

Hi everyone,


I hope everyone is keeping well. As you may have heard we have had some cases of covid in the class. I just want to reiterate the importance of testing at the moment and ensuring all children are washing or sanitising their hands before coming to and returning from school. We are doing all we can to minimise the spread in school and all your help at home is appreciated. We want to keep all pupils, families and staff safe and healthy.

Digital Devices

If you have not yet completed the form related to the issuing of digital devices to your children please do ASAP. This takes around 5 minutes and the form can be found at the bottom of this post alongside Mrs Hinton’s post.




Reminder that the poetry recital competition will be next week. If your child wishes to enter they must have their poem ready by Tuesday at the latest.

As part of our Scots focus this month the children are being asked to look at some Scots poetry. P3 are focusing on the work of JK Annand. I am asking the children to read through two different Annand poems. At the end of the month we will be holding our annual poetry competition where 2 children from each class will perform to the school. Should your child wish to perform they can learn one of these poems at home and we will vote in class for p3’s two performers this Tuesday

Nessie – Scots Hoose Primary

Street Talk – Scots Hoose Primary


Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously.



Dragons : The Ultimate Trainers

Monday – p1 -11

Tuesday – p12-22

Wednesday- p23-33

Thursday–  p33 – 44

In School – p44- 55


Unicorns – Hilda’s Big Chance

Monday- Chpt 1

Tuesday –  Chpt 2

Wednesday – Chpt 3

Thursday- This week’s poetry


Kelpies – Key Trouble

Monday – p7-12

Tuesday– p13-18

Wednesday- p18-24

Thursday- p24-32


Selkies – The Kidnappers

Monday – p7-12

Tuesday– p13-18

Wednesday- p18-24

Thursday- p24-32


Mermaids – Lost in the Jungle

Monday – p7-12

Tuesday– p13-18

Wednesday- p18-24

Thursday- p24-32

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay



Digital Devices

Thank you to the families who have already filled out the forms as part of the exciting Midlothian Council scheme to allocate each child  with a learning device. So far, 65% of pupils are enrolled to be allocated devices when the time comes.

Please see below for more information.  There is a form to fill out which takes around 5 minutes.  If possible, please enter the midlothian.education username and password for your child (they know this as they use it to log in to chromebooks at school).  The form can be done without this but it does make the process quicker if you use it.  Every child has been given this!

Parental Acknowledgement Form (must be completed ASAP).


There are answers to frequently asked questions on the Equipped for Learning site, as well as useful contacts should you wish to discuss the scheme further.

We are excited to continue to develop successful learners and positive digital citizens at Loanhead Primary.


Mrs H

P7 Info W/B 24.1.22

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🥪Lunches-  P7  should bring a packed lunch from home to eat.

📚Reading – We have finished Goodnight Mr Tom and will start to read extracts from The Diary of Anne Frank. This is part of our WW2 studies and will also incorporate a block of learning about Judaism.

👨 We extend a warm welcome to  Mr Forbes , a student teacher, who will continue his placement with us on Tuesday; two days a week for a 5 week block followed by a five week placement.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – There will be a general revision sheet sent home on Wed. This week in class, we will look at scale and ratio.

💻Chromebook consent form – Thank you to everyone who has filled this out . We now just await the rollout of the devices! It shouldn’t be too long now 🤞


Reminder; My new email address is :



That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P6 Week Beginning 24.1.22

Hi all,

The class did a wonderful job at reciting their poems on Friday, I was very impressed by the enthusiasm and passion from all.

P.E with Miss Simpson is on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes dressed in P.E clothes and brings a bottle of water for hydration.

Mandarin is on Wednesday with Miss Sun.

On Wednesday, we will have our second skiing lesson. Please ensure your child has long, thick socks and warm gloves (ski gloves are preferred!). The class had a wonderful time this week and I think they were all exhausted by the end of the day!


Reading – Children will have reading homework every night. The pages to be read will be written in their reading record, please sign this every night to evidence that homework has been completed.

Spelling – On Monday, the class will copy their new spelling list and will bring this home alongside a task to complete too. Please ensure your child completes their homework in neat, cursive handwriting. This is due in for Friday.

Numeracy– We have been revising division in class, especially using written methods to work it out. The children will have a division task to complete for Friday too.

P6 should continue to bring in packed lunches from home.

       **Digital Devices**

If you have any difficulties filling out the digital devices form for your child, then Mrs Hinton will be at the school office on Wednesday from 3:15pm to support parents/guardians with it. Please go to the office on Wednesday if you require support with this. 

If you have not already filled out a form to give permission for your child to receive a digital device, then please do so. It is a really quick form to fill out but if you do have any issues, then please do get in touch with me. Please find the forms and information in the links below.

For further information on the programme, and to fill out the parental agreement form please see the links below.  The devices will not be allocated for full use until the agreements are filled out.  This is an online form.

Equipped for Learning Information


Parental Acknowledgement Form (must be completed ASAP).


Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller