Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is keeping well. As you may have heard we have had some cases of covid in the class. I just want to reiterate the importance of testing at the moment and ensuring all children are washing or sanitising their hands before coming to and returning from school. We are doing all we can to minimise the spread in school and all your help at home is appreciated. We want to keep all pupils, families and staff safe and healthy.
Digital Devices
If you have not yet completed the form related to the issuing of digital devices to your children please do ASAP. This takes around 5 minutes and the form can be found at the bottom of this post alongside Mrs Hinton’s post.
Reminder that the poetry recital competition will be next week. If your child wishes to enter they must have their poem ready by Tuesday at the latest.
As part of our Scots focus this month the children are being asked to look at some Scots poetry. P3 are focusing on the work of JK Annand. I am asking the children to read through two different Annand poems. At the end of the month we will be holding our annual poetry competition where 2 children from each class will perform to the school. Should your child wish to perform they can learn one of these poems at home and we will vote in class for p3’s two performers this Tuesday
Nessie – Scots Hoose Primary
Street Talk – Scots Hoose Primary
Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously.
Dragons : The Ultimate Trainers
Monday – p1 -11
Tuesday – p12-22
Wednesday- p23-33
Thursday– p33 – 44
In School – p44- 55
Unicorns – Hilda’s Big Chance
Monday- Chpt 1
Tuesday – Chpt 2
Wednesday – Chpt 3
Thursday- This week’s poetry
Kelpies – Key Trouble
Monday – p7-12
Tuesday– p13-18
Wednesday- p18-24
Thursday- p24-32
Selkies – The Kidnappers
Monday – p7-12
Tuesday– p13-18
Wednesday- p18-24
Thursday- p24-32
Mermaids – Lost in the Jungle
Monday – p7-12
Tuesday– p13-18
Wednesday- p18-24
Thursday- p24-32
Have a fab week everyone!
Miss Ramsay
Digital Devices
Thank you to the families who have already filled out the forms as part of the exciting Midlothian Council scheme to allocate each child with a learning device. So far, 65% of pupils are enrolled to be allocated devices when the time comes.
Please see below for more information. There is a form to fill out which takes around 5 minutes. If possible, please enter the midlothian.education username and password for your child (they know this as they use it to log in to chromebooks at school). The form can be done without this but it does make the process quicker if you use it. Every child has been given this!
Parental Acknowledgement Form (must be completed ASAP).
There are answers to frequently asked questions on the Equipped for Learning site, as well as useful contacts should you wish to discuss the scheme further.
We are excited to continue to develop successful learners and positive digital citizens at Loanhead Primary.
Mrs H