P6 Homework and Info W/B 3rd September 2018

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – Everyone will get a new list of words this week so should choose an activity from the spelling grid to do. Children can choose a second task to do if they wish. Due in next Tuesday please.

Reading – We have read the first chapter of Kensuke’s Kingdom and came up with lots of pros and cons about whether sailing around the world would be a good idea. We will continue reading this in class.

I have set up a wildlife and nature table which has magazines from the RSPB and Scottish Wildlife Trust on. Some children said they could bring old National Geographic mags so anything else similar to this would be very welcome.

Numeracy – We have been revising tables and linking facts. When children are very secure in knowing their tables, this will help them with other aspects such as division, fractions and decimals. We are now doing sets of ‘Daily 10’ arithmetic questions using Top Marks Level 3 Multiplication. If your child can access this at home, I’d recommend this for fast recall of basic facts.


I have set another challenge on Sumdog, this time using division by lower numbers.        #2 P6 Dividing Challenge

Word of the Day – hopefully children have talked about this at home. Each day, a new word is put on the board and defined. If the children use this word correctly during the day, they get a point on their chart. Some examples so far include improvise, vociferous, vice versa, ajar, and empathy. This is a great way to extend children’s vocabulary.

Extra PE!RUGBY starts this Monday with Bradley, a youth coach from Lasswade RFC.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Application FormsEco Committee, Pupil Council and Health & Wellbeing forms need to be in by Tuesday. Interviews are on Thursday afternoon. In P6, two Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) will also be chosen but no forms are needed for this.

Donations wanted! The Upper Atrium is putting out an appeal for donations of unwanted construction kits such as Lego, Meccano and  K-nex. As you are aware, these kits are very expensive to buy new so we would like to build up a bank of resources for technology activities as quickly and cheaply as possible!! Any donations much appreciated.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Sara Brunt


Welcome back Primary 7 – Class of 2019!!!! Eeeeek

Welcome back, I hope you are all feeling refreshed and revised after your holiday.  We have a lot of exciting learning to get our teeth into this term, starting with a short mini-study (or getting to know you unit) of The Unsinkable Ship.  I look forward to making memories with P7 in their last year at Loanhead with laughter, fun and plenty of challenges.

Trips this term are 2 of my favourites – The Risk Factory and the Poppy Factory.  parent helpers are needed.

We began P7 by watching this video of Derek Redmond (Makes me so emotional every time)  and we had a fabulous discussion about challenge, to keep going at whatever speed, to help others along – but not win the race for them, to win our own races.  Really helped set a tone for P7 – never give up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9GWhSndmf0

Homework – The first activity will be to write and present your House Captain speech and because I know how nerve wracking this can be, apart from 20 minutes of reading for enjoyment and some fresh-air time, there will be no homework until those are dun and dusted.

P.E. – Quick note about P.E. and a general hygiene rule mirrored by High Schools.  Pupils MUST have a FULL change of PE clothes – shorts and a top for P.E that are not their daily uniform and supportive sports shoes.  Our classroom is hot and P7 become so attached to their hoodies that they rarely take them off so wearing them to get hot and sweaty in P.E. and then all day is not promoting good personal hygiene.  In P7 it is common for pupils to bring their own roll on or stick deodorant (no aerosols) and pupils are allowed to use these as needed.

I look forward to meeting you at “Meet the teacher” on Wednesday (3.30)

Many thanks

P5 Homework w/c 27.8.18


  • Spelling: we will take this week to learn the spelling homework expectation including green and red spelling card activities so there will be no homework sent home
  • Numeracy & Maths: there will be a 2D shape activity sheet to complete following the work started in class
  • Reading: pupils will begin to learn Literacy Circle roles over the coming weeks and will use their own choice of novel, either from home or the school library, to practise these roles

Additional Information

Tuesday 28th 2018 Trip to Book Festival 11:45am to 3.15pm

Please provide a packed lunch and ensure pupils wear their uniform and weather appropriate jacket and shoes.

Wednesday 29th 2018 Meet the Teacher 3:30pm to 4pm

This is an opportunity to pop in after school to see the classroom and have a quick chat.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P5 Homework

Spelling Homework

Now your child is in P5, they will be encouraged to have greater independence and responsibility for their own learning. Therefore, spelling homework will be taken home on a Wednesday afternoon and returned the following Tuesday morning. This must be checked by an adult.

Pupils will write their spelling words on a new page of their jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory.

Reading Homework

Reading will consist of a variety of activities including Literacy Circles, Novel Studies and individual reading tasks. A library novel will also be chosen by your child.

Maths & Numeracy Homework

Maths/Numeracy homework will be given out on a regular basis to tie in with what has been taught in class. This will be handed out on Wednesday to be returned the following Tuesday morning.

Topic Homework

There will be occasional homework for topic which may include individual research and class talks.

General Expectation

Please ensure homework book is covered. In P5 we expect children to date work, present their work neatly, and use rulers to draw lines.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Roy & Mrs Watts

Welcome to P5!

A warm welcome to P5!

Everyone seems to have got off to a great start as we spent the first week  working through some ‘getting to know you’ and cooperative learning activities.

This week will see the commencement of homework and a trip to the Book Festival, details to follow.

Kind regards,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy



P6 Homework W/B 27th August 2018

Hi all,

Everyone settled in well to their first week in P6, although may have been a tad tired towards the end!

P6 Homework Information


Over the next few weeks, P6  will undertake a novel study of a Michael Morpurgo book called ‘ Kensuke’s Kingdom’. This will lend itself to many varied and in-depth activities involving the four literacy capacities of reading, writing, talking and listening. We will read this together in class and therefore, no reading book will be sent home. Children should continue to read for pleasure, texts of their choice at home, such as books, comics or magazines. It would also be great if children could bring in a text of their choice to read in class when they have time.



Spelling homework will continue much the same  as in P5. Children will have a focus spelling list to learn and show they can transfer this learning into their literacy with confidence and accuracy. Homework will be issued Tuesday to Tuesday so gives everyone a full week, including a weekend, to complete tasks. Thanks to all who managed to cover their spelling jotters.  More information to follow.


There will be a maths or numeracy homework task most weeks so please refer to this class page on our website for weekly updates. This week I have set a straightforward Sumdog Challenge  ( #1 P6 Tables x 2 3 4 5 August 2018) which just revises the lower tables. If you cannot access this at home, please let me know.


Wednesday 29thMeet the Teacher 3:30 to 4pm

This is just an opportunity to pop in after school, see the classroom and have a quick chat with me if you like.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday


Thank you,

Miss S Brunt






Welcome P6!

See the source image

Welcome back P6!

I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and is feeling refreshed and prepared for the new term. The classroom is set up, ready for everyone to come into.

The first week back after the summer break always brings fresh challenges – getting used to a new classroom, a new teacher, new routines, new everything! Thus, we’ll gently ease ourselves into the P6 routine this week and so, there will be no homework set until next week.

Now for a few ‘housekeeping’ requests – Can pupils please try and bring;

–          A pencil case with writing pencils, coloured pens/pencils, rubber, sharpener and if possible, a glue stick and a ruler.

–          A  book, comic or magazine for personal reading ( no worries if not, we do have a library)

–          A full PE kit for Tuesdays and Thursdays.

–          A healthy snack and a filled water bottle

–          A packed lunch or school dinner paid for through ParentPay

If children must bring a phone, it should be handed in to me first thing to be locked away for safe keeping before being handed back at the end of the day. Children really shouldn’t be bringing any  other valuable items with them to school.

Please check this webpage weekly for updates – I do try and publish each forthcoming week on a Sunday evening. I will send home a paper copy of this welcome page with my email address on it if you have any queries.

Finally, I’d like to welcome Miss Dickson, a  teaching student, to P6. Miss Dickson will be working with us until February 2019!


Thank you,

Miss Sara Brunt