P2 News and Info 23.1.22

Week Beginning: 23.1.22

Please note that the school is closed on Thursday

Reading Homework as usual every night.

SCOTS POEMS – To be learned for Tuesday where our buddies will be assessing them.  On Wednesday we will be sharing them with the class to choose our winner. p2 poems

High Frequency Words – continue to learn these at home.  Most children can confidently read them now but are not transferring this knowledge into their writing.

Nurture take home task on Safety – detailed email was sent out on Friday, exemplar templates have been sent home if you wish to use them.

Parent consultation letters to be returned for Wednesday.

As part of our Nurture plans in P2, the class have asked to update our safe space and have asked for plants, fairy lights, cushions, a canopy, a fibre optic lamp J a fluffy rug – if you have any of these that you would like to donate we would be so grateful.

They have also said they feel unsafe in the bathrooms and would like music or a radio played.  If anyone has a battery operated DAB radio that we could have then we would love to try it and see if it helps us.

P1 Week Beginning 23.1.23

Learning Trio letters were sent home on Friday, please fill in and return to school ASAP. Thank you.

On Monday, the children will also be bringing home a Nurture task. Please see the post below for more information.


Reading: Children will bring their book in their book bag and the pages to be read will be written in their green reading record. Please sign this to evidence reading has been completed. Some children will come home with a little slip of green words, these words should be learned to support their progress in reading.

Sounds: We are learning qu, ou, and oi this week.

Burns poetry: The children will perform their chosen poetry to the class on Tuesday. Please encourage your child to learn their poem with lots of enthusiasm! Those who recite their poem in class will be considered to be in the poetry assembly – there is only one child per class! I can’t wait to hear them all.

P.E – Wednesday with Miss Simpson.

Reminder: School will be closed on Thursday due to strike action. 

Important Dates!

P1 Library Visits – We are looking for two parent helpers to walk down with us to the library. All visits are on a Friday and we will be leaving at 10am, please email me if you are free and would like to join us on any of the following dates.

  • Friday 24th February
  • Friday 10th March
  • Friday 31st March
  • Friday 5th May
  • Friday 9th June
  • Friday 23rd June

P1 Stay and Play – All dates are a Friday and it will be from 9am until 9:50am. Entry will be through the classroom door and we ask that it is only one adult per child.

  • Friday 3rd March
  • Friday 19th May
  • Friday 16th June

P1 are looking for some things to build up our loose parts area. We are looking for curtain rings, clean glass jars, kitchen roll tubes, buttons and feathers. Loose parts are  wonderful for fostering children’s imagination and creativity. Please see the article below if you would like more information on loose parts! https://www.playscotland.org/resources/print/Play-Scotland-Loose-Parts-Leaflet.pdf?plsctml_id=10934

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Miss Lauren Waller


P1 Week Beginning 16.1.23


Reading: Children will bring their book in their book bag and the pages to be read will be written in their green reading record. Please sign this to evidence reading has been completed. Some children will come home with a little slip of green words, these words should be learned to support their progress in reading.

Sounds: We are learning ch, sh and th this week. Please ensure your child completes these worksheets as it so important for them to practise their letter formation when writing new sounds.

Burns poetry: The children will perform their chosen poetry to the class on Tuesday 24th January. Please encourage your child to learn their poem with lots of enthusiasm! Those who recite their poem in class will be considered to be in the poetry assembly – there is only one child per class!

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. 

We are moving onto subtraction with 10 and 20 this week. We are looking at using concrete materials to help us (Numicon, cubes etc.), before moving on to using number lines.

Please never hesitate to get in contact, if you need anything.

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 news and info 16.1.23

Week Beginning: 16.1.23

Reading:  All groups have a new book.  Reading should be done daily so that children learn the words and sounds throughout the week.

High Frequency Words – work was given out last week and should be continued (For now, this is instead of spelling homework)

Scots Poems – we have a choice of 2 J.K. Annand poems – The Doctor and Mince and Tatties.  Children should learn one of these for next Tuesday where they will all recite their poem to their buddies.  Mrs Caldwell would like children to be encouraged to recite them in front of the whole class, those who do will be considered for the poetry competition.

Numeracy – We are looking at knowing adding and subtraction in 20 and how to solve these.  Doubles to 20 without counting

We are also looking at adding 10s and 1s in our heads so we can add 2 digit numbers e.g. 12 add 24 strategy mentally would be 10 + 20 = 30, 2 add 4 = 6 so the answer is 30+6 = 36. We are currently using concrete materials to represent these but the end goal is to be able to work these out mentally.

Scottish week – we are looking at Katie Morag stories and features of Scotland’s landscape etc.

Nurture Focus fortnight on Nurture principle 2 – The classroom provides a safe base. In class task this week and a home learning task will be given out next week.




❄️ P1 Week Beginning 9.1.23

🎆 Happy New Year! 🎆

I hope you all had a wonderful and restful winter break and it was so lovely to see the children again this week. I am so impressed by how quickly they fell back into routine, it is like they have never been away. Thank you SO much for all of the lovely cards and gifts, it was far too kind and greatly appreciated. 

Just a gentle reminder that children should come to school with indoor and outdoor shoes, along with a suitable jacket for playing outside. P.E  kits should be returned to school for P.E. starting again on Wednesday. 

We have our second health week this coming week and we are learning about  emotions and relationships. 

Homework will go out on Monday and will follow the same pattern as before. 

Reading: Children will bring their book in their book bag and the pages to be read will be written in their green reading record. Please sign this to evidence reading has been completed. 

Sounds: We are learning y and x this week. The children will only have two phonic worksheets to complete as these will go home on Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child completes these as it so important for them to practise their letter formation when writing new sounds. 

Burns poetry: The children will bring home two poems on Wednesday and they have to choose one to learn for our poetry recital in class. From this, there is a class winner who then performs their chosen poem at an assembly. The children will perform their chosen poetry to the class on Tuesday 24th January

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please never hesitate to get in contact, if you need anything. 

Miss Lauren Waller
