📸 P2 – Week beginning 26.9.22

Week Beginning 26/9/22

📸 PLEASE NOTE: The SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER will be in school on Thursday to take individual and sibling photos

SPELLING HOMEWORK – “ng” sound.  Pupils should learn these 10 words at home.  In their jotters they have been asked to write the words out 3 times. In the last column they should write the ng in a colour.  See jotter for an example.

READING:  New books issued on Monday for most groups.  Continue to read the words, talk about the picture, encourage sounding out of tricky words and learn KEY words.

MATHS HOMEWORK – We have been having fun challenges to learn addition within 10 and 20 without counting.  This is our focus in school.  There is a short worksheet in jotters.  When adding, if children do not know the answer off by heart, the strategy we have been using is hold the bigger number in your head and count up. E.g. 11+4 – hold 11 in your head and jump up 4, 12-13-14-15 the answer is 15

PE – Mon and Thurs, please have a change of clothes, shoes and water bottle in school

P1 Week Beginning 26.9.22

Hi all,

**The school photographer will be in school on Thursday for school photos!**

It is Maths Week Scotland, so we will be investigating patterns and discussing different ways we use maths in real life.


Reading: Please remember to practise your child’s ORT key words, as they cannot start reading books with words until they are able to read their key words. Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record, please sign to evidence reading has been completed.

Sounds: We have just finished our next block of sounds so will be consolidating them this week. The children will bring home the next 6 sound flashcards (c/k, e, r, h, m, d), which need to be cut up and added to their box. These have to be used to help your child make and read CVC words, as this will be our focus in school this week.

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch.Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E.

Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P1 Week Beginning 19.9.22


I hope you all have a lovely and restful long weekend.


Reading: Please continue to read with your child every night and you can use the story guide (placed inside their reading book) to support the reading. Please sign your child’s green reading record too, to evidence the pages indicated have been read. Please continue to practise the orange key words with your child.

Sounds: We are moving on to learn our next block of sounds (6 in a block). We learn 3 different sounds a week, one on Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday. Each of these days, your child will bring home a sound sheet to be completed and brought back to school. These will focus on them practising the letter formation. This week, we are learning r, m and d, in that order.

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E.

Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

Proud Cloud – Thank you to those who have shared some lovely pictures for our Primary 1 ‘Proud Cloud’. Please do continue to share them with me, if you have any.

Primary 1 are looking for a few things to add to our atrium, if you have any of the following things we would love to give them a loving home!!  Thank you 🙂

  • Curtain rings
  • Old magazines/recipe cards or books
  • Cookie cutters
  • Wooden rounds
  • Pebbles
  • Acorns/Pinecones
  • Ribbons/Fabric scraps

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


*P2 News and Info 19.9.22*

I hope you have all had a restful long weekend.

On Tuesday there is the Parent Forum AGM, always looking for new members to represent the parent voice.

Gardening – the last group of children will be gardening on Wednesday – the children have all loved this experience.

Homework – Reading (books or Red ditty books) EVERY NIGHT, Spelling homework for Friday when we have a spelling test.  Please also try to revise number bonds to 10/20 with your child.  Homework  info will be in yellow homework diaries.  Please can children bring in book bags every day.

Digital – We will be logging onto our Google Classrooms on our Chromebooks this week and learning how to use this for learning.



Mrs H

*P2 12.9.22*


Homework is given on Monday and Friday.

Spelling words this week are: “ch” sound

  1. is
  2. hot
  3. blot
  4. chips
  5. lunch
  6. chest
  7. much
  8. he
  9. she
  10. chicken

Only 4 children handed in their home work on Friday so spelling words will need to be copied from diaries. Children should write the words 3 times in their jotters and I would like them to say them in a sentence to an adult and then choose 4 words to draw a picture of and write the word underneath. Please do not use pens.

Example of last week’s activity below.

If you have any spare wrapping paper etc that you can use to cover the homework jotters that would be amazing, thanks

Maths – Missing numbers worksheet to be glued in jotter and completed  -handed out on Monday

Reading (Either red ditty books or ORT books) – Should be done every night as it was last year.  We are working on blending sounds into words and having more fluency when we read.


P1 Week Beginning 12.9.22

Hi all,


Reading: Your child will bring home a wordless book with a story reference guide inside it. Please feel free to use this to help with telling the story and to prompt discussion too. They will also have a green reading record which will tell you which pages to read, please sign beside this to show you have read with your child. Myself or another adult in the class will sign to show we have read with your child in class too. Please continue to practise the orange key words with your child.

Sounds: We are moving on to learn our next block of sounds (6 in a block). We learn 3 different sounds a week, one on Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday. Each of these days, your child will bring home a sound sheet to be completed and brought back to school. These will focus on them practising the letter formation. This week, we are learning c/k, e and h, in that order.

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E.

Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

In Primary 1, we are starting our ‘Proud Cloud’ wall this week. This will be filled with photos and comments of things the children are proud of or have achieved in class/at home. If you have any comments or photos you would like to share with us so we can add them, then please feel free to email me them. No achievement is too small! It could be from baking a cake to joining a new club!

Reminder – School is closed on Friday 16th and Monday 19th September, pupils and staff return on Tuesday 20th at 8:50am. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


🌈 Health and Wellbeing – Can you help? 🌱

As the Health and Wellbeing lead, I am excited to be involved in  rolling out the new RSHP (Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood) Programme this school year.  This is a Government resource to support Curriculum for Excellence.  More information will come out to Parents and Carers in the coming school year. 🌈

💚I would like to invite a small number of parents in to explore and discuss the new resource with me.  I am looking for a group of parents across Early to Second levels to chat through the resource and get parental views. The resource is live and being used across Scotland at various levels so this is not about changing the resource but just gaining views in advance of the roll out.

🍎 If you are interested please drop me an email and availability (within the school week) and I will confirm in the next week or so.

As part of the Health and Wellbeing role, we are looking at our Nurturing environment.  If anyone has any cushions, bean bags, rugs that are good quality which they would be willing to donate please contact me.  We are also on the lookout for indoor plants, easy to maintain etc. 🌱

Thanks in advance

Karen Hinton


🍂 Primary 2 news/Info beginning 5.9.22

Hello P2 parents/families,

This week I will begin to send homework home.

Reading – There will be reading books to be read each night.  This is more than simply reading the pages- we will be looking at fluency, accuracy, comprehension and knowledge of key words and common words.  It is essential that you spend time enjoying reading with your child.

Spelling – Spelling words are given out on Monday for Friday.  Children will begin just writing these out using correct letter formation using the say, look, cover, write and check method.

Maths – Consolidation of in class work – this will not be given out every week.

Digital:  Some people have logged onto google classroom, there is no expectation for this just now but you have your child’s midlothian.education username or password on the password sheets from last year.  I will send new ones out but there is no rush until the children do familiarise themselves with it.

In class this week we will continue with our Dinosaur topic and writing more detailed and descriptive sentences.  We are developing our letter formation through regular handwriting exercises too. We are also looking at trying to combat letter and number reversals.

We have recently began using jotters for some of our learning.  The children are working really hard on presentation in these.

We have our class charter up, there was a vote on its theme and the majority of children chose dinosaurs.  After looking again at The Rights of a Child, we focussed on 3 simple rules for our class:

We are READY, we are RESPECTFUL and We are SAFE!

Please remember GREEN BOOK BAGS, water bottles, and indoor shoes for school.  PE is Monday and Wednesday.

One of the first pieces of writing we did was about what we like in school.  The pupils were asked to have a sentence with a connective (and or because) and a capital letter and a full stop.