P4 Homework 30/08/16
Please Note: Homework is distributed on a Tuesday and should be handed in on a Monday. However, some reading groups will have to read every day and their reading homework will be changed on a daily basis.
Spelling- Week 1) aw and oo
We will focus on the same sound for two weeks- additional words will be added next week.
Gorillas ( aw ) sound
Pandas (oo) sound
Wolves (oo) sound
All Groups:
Words in jotters
- Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different. All groups have * tricky * words.
- Write a sentence for each word.
- Complete one Spell Well activity.
Purple and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.
Red Yellow and Green- Comprehension worksheet “Public Transport” – to be completed for Monday 5th September.