P2 Homework W/B 1.2.16

Homework this week-

Spelling/Handwriting – the focus sound is ‘ow’ as in snow, show, throw etc.

Reading – New books when appropriate- see post-it notes in books for homework reading practice. Thanks to all who practised their poems last week.

  • Breaking news….P2 are going to have the opportunity to write a new ‘Biff and Chip’ story for a competition to celebrate 30 years of the Oxford Reading Tree.

Numeracy– Just a ‘Sumdog’ challenge this week, ‘P2 add and subtract’. I have reduced the number of questions for each challenge recently and the participation rate from pupils has since soared! Thanks to all who have taken part.

Events this week:

Thursday and FridayPE

Friday – Library

More breaking news…P2 will draw pictures to decorate our local Loanhead library which is holding a ‘Love Your Library’ day this Saturday, 6th February.

Towards the end of this week, we are going to start learning about ‘Chinese New Year’. Next week, one of our parents has very kindly offered to come in to do various activities with the class, over a few days,  to celebrate Chinese New Year. One of the activities will be to make and cook traditional Chinese pork dumplings and the children can try to use chopsticks. Please let me know if your child should not try one of these dumplings.

Thanks in advance,

Miss Brunt





P7 Homework 29th January 2016


Pupils to create a wordsearch including all 10 spelling words for Monday 1st February.


All Reading Groups have homework for Wednesday 3rd February.


Pupils to complete a worksheet for Friday 5th February – Addition and subtraction of decimals.


Pupils to find out the names of the four main islands in Japan for Tuesday 2nd February.

P6 homework WB 25.01.16 (Miss Prior)

Following on from the work we were doing in class on the Scots language. Please take a pop song, nursery rhyme or any song you want (as long as it is appropriate for school) and change into Scots. You are not allowed to do Taylor Swift ‘shake it off’ as we have already looked at this in class.

Due for next Thursday!

For example:

Ye pit your richt airm in,

Your richt airm oot,

In, oot

In, oot

Shak it aw aboot.

Ye dae the Shooglie-Wooglie

And ye birl around.

That’s whit it’s aw aboot – BREEKS!

P4 Homework 26/01/16


Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we are focusing on the 4 x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 3x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learnits updated please let me know.



Continue with the words from last week- can you think of four more words with your spelling rule.

Do another spell well activity


Red Group- Jungle Shorts- Chapter 3 for Thursday.

Pink- See bookmark

Blue and Yellow – Edinburgh Factfile and Questions

Orange Group – The Great Spaghetti Suit- Chapter 1 plus worksheet

Green Group- Blue Shoes Ch 4 and Chapter 3 comprehension sheet

Purple Group- The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me- Pages 28-35

Please keep learning the Moli Hua song and don’t forget to bring anything about Vikings that you have.


*P5 Scottish week Homework*

Scottish week spelling words scottish spelling p5  – write three times, put in sentences and complete the wordsearch sheet using ten of the spelling words and at least 3 new Scottish words of your own.

Pupils have shortened versions of Burns poems which they are challenging themselves to learn for Friday. scottish poems p5


*Maths,  Pupils should still be focusing on their 7 times table and previous tables as well as thinking about change from £1/

Primary 3 Homework Week beginning 25/01/16

Spelling Homework for Friday

Write your spelling words in 3 columns, using look, say, cover, write, check.

Spelling Words for week beginning 25th January

Scottish Week Homework for Thursday

All the children were given 4 Scottish poems to bring home on Friday.  They were asked to pick one and learn it so they can recite it on Thursday.


There will be no written activities to go with reading this week, just the reading please!

P6 Homework for Miss Longford

Compare Scotland with at least three different countries, at least one in Europe and at least one out of Europe. Research history, climate,  culture: food, daily routines, art/dance. Present what you find in a table/chart in your homework jotter or on a separate piece of paper. 

All groups have spelling homework.

Due: Monday 1st February

P2 Homework W/B 25.1.16

Scottish Week is here! This week, we will be reading about Katie Morag, reading, writing and learning short Scottish poems, learning some Scots vocabulary and songs, finding out a wee bit about Edinburgh Castle and trying some Scottish Country Dancing in PE.


Tuesday – Drumming on a ‘cajon’ box ( pronounced ca-hon)

cajon drum

Thursday and FridayPE as usual

Homework: Given out Monday or Tuesday as normal

Reading – all pupils will get a new book this week and a Scots poem home to read. Thanks to all who completed the reading task about Tim Peake last week. We will continue to talk about the ISS this week and maybe even ‘tweet’ Tim some of our work!

Spelling/Handwriting -the focus sound is igh. There are not many igh words on the handwriting sheet so we will work on more igh words in class.

Numeracy: an addition sheet will be sent home. Strategies to try are:

  • Count on from the biggest number first so with 4+8, try 8+4 instead. Use a number line or even fingers if needed!
  • Use ‘Learn its’ knowledge to answer sums eg. 6+7 is the same as        6 + 6 + 1

Sumdog Challenge: this week is a P2 Fractions Challenge. I’ve limited the target to just 30 questions. I will go over this task in class as the questions may prove challenging! Still, with our ‘have a go’ attitude, we can encourage the children to participate and hopefully learn lots more about the concept of fractions.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt