P2 Homework w.b. 28.1.19

Hi all,

All the children received their parent appointment slips last week, please check  your child’s book bag for these slips.

Homework for this week;

Spelling: This is our last week of bossy ‘e’ and the sound is u_e. The spelling list this week will contain this sound and tricky words. Remember that children can practise these in a number of ways – writing them in pencil or paint, using magnetic letters to make them or even writing silly sentences with them!

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for these pages. Children may be moving up to the next stage in their books over the next few weeks.

Writing: The children wrote some lovely stories about what their favourite pet is last week. There will be another writing sheet sent out on Tuesday and can be returned on the following Monday. If your child is going to complete this over the weekend then I suggest it gets taken out of the book bag as I don’t send them home on a Friday. This weeks writing will be ‘If I were the teacher, I would be’. Please encourage your child to use cursive handwriting as we are practising to use this in class.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller



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