Hello P2 families 🌞
I cannot believe that we have only just over 2 weeks to go! This is just a little note to say that tomorrow (13.6.23) we are having a trip to The Link park and mud garden with our buddies. Please can your child have a change of clothes and shoes (in case they get muddy) snack, water sun cream etc.
I have stopped homework from this week while we do a stock take of books, please continue reading for enjoyment (15 Mins per day) with your child and TopMarks (Hit the b utton or other memtal maths games) or Sumdog for numeracy.
We are also working on a surprise for Mrs Caldwell’s leaving assembly (26.6.23) we are singing “so long, farewell” as a class and the first 2 minutes of “Dancing queen” so your child may want to practise at home. Also, if you know that you will not be in on this day, or if you have holidays planned, please let me know ASAP.
Many thanks,
Mrs Hinton.