P1 Week Beginning 6.2.23

Learning Trios take place on Wednesday and Friday – if you need to change your appointment, please call the school office to do so. We will be discussing previous targets and setting new targets. Gentle reminder that each appointment is 15 minutes.

Homework (only reading this week!)

Reading: Children will bring their book in their book bag and the pages to be read will be written in their green reading record. Please sign this to evidence reading has been completed. Some children will come home with a little slip of green words, these words should be learned to support their progress in reading.

P.E – Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Lots of children still don’t have a P.E. kit, it is so important all children bring a P.E. kit for these times. The children will be a lot more comfortable for their lesson and they are learning to dress themselves independently.

Maths/Numeracy: We are learning ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd etc) and making amounts up to 10p, using 1p, 2p and 5p coins.

Literacy: We have finished learning all of our P1 sounds and we are now working on writing sentences independently.

Topic: We have been learning about the seasons, especially Winter, and we are going to start our new topic ‘Weather’.

*We would like to make a P1 Family wall display in the classroom. Please hand in or email me any photos of your child with you all, we would love to make a lovely display in our class.*

Dates for the Diary!

P1 Library Visits:

  • Friday 24th February
  • Friday 10th March
  • Friday 31st March
  • Friday 5th May
  • Friday 9th June
  • Friday 23rd June

P1 Stay and Play:

  • Friday 3rd March
  • Friday 19th May
  • Friday 16th June

Please note the school will finish for the February holiday on Friday 10th February and pupils resume on Monday 20th February at 8:50am. 

Miss Lauren Waller


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