P6 Week Beginning 28.2.22

Hi all,

Ms Gault will be taking full responsibility for teaching the class over next three weeks. I will still be in the class during this time.

Learning Trios: On Monday, the children will be given a slip with their Learning Trio date and time on it. These will be taking place on Wednesday and Friday after school. Please remember only one adult should attend with their child. We are following the same routine as last time, with entering through the classroom door and wearing masks. If you need to change your appointment then please call the school office to do so. Anyone who requested a phone call appointment, these will be taking place next week.

World Book Day: On Thursday, the children have the opportunity to dress up as a book character and this week they can bring in their favourite book to read and share with the class. Please note, the children do have P.E this day so they may need to bring a change if their outfit is not suitable  for P.E. 

P.E. is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Mandarin and skiing is on Wednesday, please remember all children need to bring gloves for skiing.

We have noticed that the carpets are suffering from using outdoor shoes in school. Please could all children bring a pair of shoes to change into. These shoes should be suitable to use in P.E. (velcro or laced trainers) and to be left at school.


Spelling: Children will copy their words on Monday and their task should be completed in their jotter. It is their choice as to which task they wish to choose (pyramid writing, sentences etc.)

Reading: Reading homework will be issued as usual.

Maths: On Google Classroom, the class have a task to complete which revises different types of triangles.

I hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Lauren Waller



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