Hi all,
Welcome back!
We have a packed term coming up which culminates with our trip to Dounans Camp. Lots to look forward to!
We welcome Mr Forbes back full time until Easter. Music is his specialism so we are embarking on a song writing project while he is with us.
Our topic this term is ‘Natural Disasters’.
Reading – We will soon finish The Diary of Anne Frank. World Book Day is 3rd March this year – more info to follow. We will be conducting a reading survey within P7 and issuing the First Minister’s Reading Challenge to encourage reading for enjoyment. Within class, we will be focussing on deeper learning comprehension skills using short extracts of fiction and poetry.
Also in Literacy ( talking/listening), we plan to look at types of questions and run some more debates.
PE – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration.
***Lunches***- P7 can once again order a hot meal from the school canteen. Please purchase via ParentPay beforehand. I have displayed the three week menu in class so the children can look up what’s for lunch by themselves.
Alternatively, children can bring in their own packed lunch from home to eat.
Learning Trios – Parental Meetings take place week beginning 28th February. Appointment letters should be be issued on Monday 21st.
💻Chromebook Rollout! Exciting news!
Pupils will be able to take their Chromebooks home this week but must be brought back daily, fully charged. Thank you.
🥁Drumming – P7 have their 3rd African Drumming session on Thursday morning.
Homework :
Spelling – Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.
Maths/Numeracy –General revision – a worksheet will be issued on Thursday.
That’s all for now,
Thank you,
Miss Brunt