P6 Week Beginning 29.11.21

Hi all, 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

Miss Sun will take Mandarin on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday afternoon, we have another Dunedin consort workshop.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling and reading. This week, there will be no extra task. Please ensure your child completes their reading homework daily. 

This week we will be using Chromebooks. It would be great for your child to bring in their laminated Google Workspace password, so they are able to log in with ease this week. However, we have glued our passwords into our reading records too, just in case we forget it. 

Dates for the diary:

  • Monday 6th December: Christmas post box returns.  Please ensure your child writes the child’s name and class on the envelope before posting. 
  • Tuesday 7th December: P6 will be watching the Dunedin consort in school.
  • Tuesday 14th December: Drumming workshop with Infectious Grooves 
  • Tuesday 14th December: Christmas lunch (please return your child’s letter by Monday 6th Dec, if your child would like a lunch and pay through parentpay)
  • Wednesday 15th December: P6 carol singing at the Horn , 2pm – 2:30pm. Families are invited to come and watch.
  • Thursday 16th December: P6 Christmas party and jumper day. Your child can come dressed in their Christmas jumpers for their party in the afternoon!
  • Friday 17th December 2021 – Dunedin Consort (Handel’s Messiah, Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh – details to be confirmed)
  • Tuesday 21st December: Online PANTO 
  • Wednesday 22nd December: Last day of term, finish at 3:15pm 

Thank you all for your support. 

Miss Lauren Waller 


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