P3 Homework week beginning 1.11.21

Hi everyone,


Parents evening is this week on Wednesday and Friday. All appointment slips have been handed out today. I have tried to accommodate any requests where possible. If you find your parents night appointment isn’t suitable you can either contact the school office or contact me directly and we can try to facilitate an another meeting on a different day. Please also remember these are learning trios. The child must be present and should be accompanied by one adult only. I would recommend turning up as close to your appointment time as possible as families are being asked to wait for their appointment in the playground. We are having a bit of a cold snap so I don’t want anyone to freeze! I look forward to seeing everyone on this week.

On a similar note, can you please ensure all children come to school prepared for the weather. Warm coats and waterproof shoes are an essential right now.

Flu vaccinations were on Monday. All children who had one came home with a slip detailing what they had. If your child didn’t receive a vaccine you can also arrange this through your GP.



Spelling Words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences.


I have stuck a numeracy/maths grid the the back of your child’s homework jotter. The expectation is that only one brick (activity)  be completed per week. Can you colour the brick after your child has completed the activity AND is confident in doing so independently.


Apologies, I realise that today only the Kelpies and Dragons have brought home books. All children will bring home books on Tuesday and any missed reading from Monday reading will be covered in school.


Cool Clive

Tuesday -Chapter  Two

Wednesday- Chapter Three

Thursday– Chapter Four


Ask the children to reread all the notices on pages 14, 25 and 31, and to notice the jokes.
Encourage them to work with a partner to make up some more notices with similar jokes.


Captain Comet and The Dog Star

Tuesday -Chapter 2 & 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday- Chapter 5


Encourage the children to use an art software programme to design a flag for the Stardust
Space Station.


Survival Adventure

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


The Lost Key

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Red Planet

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay


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