P4 Information & Update w/b 16.03.20

Hello Parents/Carers,

**A letter was given to all children on Friday to remind all that if your child presents a new persistent cough and/or fever then they should remain home for at least 7 daysIt is extremely important that these guidelines are followed as it will help to reduce the spread of germs/illness. In addition to this the children have had an increase in hand washing, we are washing our hands when we arrive, before and after break/lunch and then once again before we leave. If the school soap is leaving your child’s hands irritated, could you please send in a clearly labelled bottle of hand soap for them to use. Thank you.**

At this time of uncertainty please know that we are doing everything we can to ensure consistency in your child’s education. Although Mrs Roy and myself have had to self-isolate, due to our daughters showing symptoms, we will be working on putting together Online Learning resources in the event that schools close. At present, however, school remains open under government guidance.

Pupils will shortly be receiving green bookmarks with Online Learning passwords for Education City, Sumdog and Glow.  These are all subscriptions, paid for and used by Midlothian schools. P4 are encouraged to log on at home and report if they experience any issues.  Look out for a green card with 3 passwords on them – this should be in school daily!

Mrs Hinton has kindly offered to begin demonstrations on how to use Google Classroom with pupils during ICT time.  Pupils will soon be able to use Google Classroom to access resources and work and can access this through  Glow which also has links to Maths  and typing games.

Water Bottles – Please can these be cleaned daily, they should also have  a lid on them to ensure cleanliness.

Washing Hands – All pupils and staff will continue to wash hands with warm, soapy water several times per day. If the school soap irritates hands then please bring in a clearly labelled bottle and/or hand cream.

I will continue to update with news as and when received.

Many thanks for your cooperation,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

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