Primary 5 news and Information

I cannot believe how close the end of term is looming.  We have lots on this week (see below)

This will also be the last week of homework.  There will be the usual spelling words to be written 3 times and then written in sentences or a story.  There is nightly reading and a Maths revision sheet too.  The class are doing well at learning their times tables but it is CRUCIAL that work continues on this at home too. Their SUMDOG is used regularly in school and does update to get harder as they get more correct, I have set a multiplication challenge on SUMDOG this week.

Maths revision

For Monday – Resilience poster (for Mrs Donnelly) as part of the work that pupils are doing in assembly.  Parent sheet and info sheet has been handed out.


Dress Rehearsal – Please can pupils bring their costumes (boys- black shorts or trousers, long socks and white shirt, girls – long white sock, black skirt, white shirt)

CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY – Cash donations being collected for the 2 third world children we sponsor.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Treated like a normal school dinner, payment on parent pay (Turkey or Macaroni)


Pantomime – late arrival home approx 4.30

Thursday and Friday

School Show (see additional newsletters and separate letter to request tickets – first come first served)


Many thanks for your support and patience over this really busy time

Mrs Hinton

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