It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas fair on Friday afternoon. I can’t believe we only have 3 weeks of the term left, and they are jam packed!
Just a reminder that P1/2 will be performing their Nativity for parents/carers on Monday 9th December @ 2pm. There is a limit of 2 guests per child due to limited space in the hall. Please could children bring in their Christmas jumpers/t-shirts and/or accessories in this week, so we have them for our costume rehearsals on Wed/Thurs. Thank you.
A gentle reminder that the cost of the P1/2 Christmas party is £2 and this should be brought into school in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name. The party is in the afternoon on Tuesday 17th December and Santa will be attending at 2:30pm. Please feel free to join us then for a wonderful photo opportunity!
Primary 1 and 2 are also going to be leading a drumming assembly on the morning of Tuesday 17th December (9:00 – 9:30), you are more than welcome to join us for this!
Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day.
Wednesday 11th December: Christmas Show in school for Nursery – P4.
Friday 13th December: P2/3 Carol Singing at the local residential home.
Apologises I never sent out the numeracy homework last week, time got the better of me and I forgot!
Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read. This week we are focusing on summarising the story.
Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ck’ sound (chick, clock etc.). Spelling lists will contain words with these sounds, alongside tricky words.
Thank you,
Miss Lauren Waller