P1 Homework 15th January 2018

It was lovely to see everyone back last week, I think they have all grown over the holidays!

We will be continuing learning about Scotland this week. I will be sending home poems for the children to learn. In class we will be talking about reading with expression. Please help your child learn the poem and to use expression when saying it. We will be choosing two children to recite their poem at the Scottish Poetry Competition Thursday 25th January. The children have just over a week to learn the poem.

Phonics – we are almost finished the Jolly Phonics programme, sounds this week  qu ou oi.

Common Words: I would like the children to begin to learn some key words that are important for reading and writing. These can be tricky to learn as the children can’t always sound them out. I have given each child a small green jotter, every week I will list the words for the week in this jotter. Inside the front cover I have glued some suggestions of different ways the children can learn these words. On Fridays we will do a simple dictation that includes these words. We will also practise them during the week in class.

Reading: as per their red reading card.

PE is now on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.

Tuesday 16th January:  Dentist to check the teeth of children in P1 and P7.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming

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