4/9/17 Primary 7 news

Please can pupils return Risk factory forms and payments by Tues 🙂

We will be leaving prompt on Wed, please remember hoodies and packed lunches.

Lasswade has an information evening on Thursday which is for current S1 pupils, The P7 date has changed to November 1st and they have still to decide times.

Camp Info packs have been given out and should be returned by Friday. An info sheet will be given out too. I forgot to put red hoodies on the camp kit list…plese can pupils travel in these.

We are currently reading Wonder in class, a book that celebrates differences and teaches the importance of being Kind. I recommend this book to adults too as it is fabulous. We are producing a 30day kindness challenge for homework and it will be handed out this week-the pupils chose the tasks to include and I have made the grid.

We are getting back into the swing of hard work and pupils are required to read for enjoyment and revise times tables as I think they have been lost somewhere in the summer holidays 🙂 we have been doing a lot of mental maths, volume and area revision and problem solving challenges too….

FULL PE kit is required in school as well as a stocked pencil case!

Word work, maths and reading will be given out as soon as we are organised.

Mrs Hinton


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