Mrs Hinton could not be any prouder 🙂 P7 have had Robotics as a topic this term and have been working through the Vex Robotics curriculum. This STEAM ( science, technology, engineering, art and maths) topic has really taken off and a team of 8 travelled to Birmingham with another team from St David’s Primary School to compete in the National competition.
Pupils have had to study robot builds from simple from complex, they analysed how they work and designed their own robot for for a challenge, built, it was then programmed to move, pick up hex balls, lift and transport them, place them in high and low goals, go up and down a bridge and balance in a bridge with 1 other robot…..very tricky. They also had an engineering notebook detailing, step by step, how they built and programmed the robot and this was assessed.
In Birmingham, pupils represented Scotland as the only 2 teams from Scotland and competed in driver and skills matches. Their robot was inspected and analysed and they were tested on their knowledge and understanding.
They had under 3 weeks, as a team, and we’re up against teams with experience from 2-6 years so they have done amazing. Thank you to the parents who have come in to help over this time too.
We have learned a lot from our fast paced day yesterday and saw some truly technological robot design and programming. We also are so happy to have won the Think Award for knowledge of programming, being able to talk about it on detail with terminology and relate it to our chosen robot design. Well done!
A different P7 team will.compete in a Midlothian school contest in 2 weeks.