P4 Homework 30/01/18


Some children have a particular system that they are following and the pattern of this should not should not change.

See Reading Records:

On TuesdayThursday for J.K Rowling-  Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. Reading for Thursday 1st and Summariser work for Tuesday 5th

On Tuesday, Thursday for Julia Donaldson

On MondayWednesday, Thursday for Roald Dahl and Jeff Kinney- Summariser activity for Jeff Kinney for Tuesday 5th

Enid Blyton- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. For Tuesday 5th

David Walliams- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. For Tuesday 5th



Activities 30/0/18:

  1. Jan/ February Spelling activity challenge- earn 20 points.
  2. Write two sentences with your spelling words and a connective (but, because, so, then, however, meanwhile, therefore, consequently).

Children have been give new Spelling challenge sheets and now should earn 20 points.

They have new spelling groups also.

Dolphins- magic e    a-e     e.g. came  same

Pigs- ai     e.g. maid   said

Parrots all-al      e.g. walk     fall   small

I have told the children that they can also learn the sounds and patterns from the other groups if they wish so this is why your child may have more than one word list home.

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