P7 homework and Information 30/1/17

Homework – 

Spelling words – 30 of the most commonly wrongly spelled words – pupils are to challenge themselves to learn these for MONDAY 6th Feb


Maths For Friday – Pupils are asked to learn their 8 times table and related division sums (e.g. 6×6 is 36 so 36 divided by 6 = 6).  These need to be learned with speed and accuracy.  There are fortune tellers which pupils can decorate, build and use to learn.  They have had the 8 times table one handed out in class.

6 Times-Table-Fortune-Teller



In Maths we have been investigating parabolic curves and producing these in a variety of colours and shapes.  Pupils are being asked to research new designs of these and try at least 1 on an A4 piece of paper or other medium (please ask if needed) – see here for a similar lesson  http://mrchads.weebly.com/parabolic-curve.html



Parents Evening: Thursday 2nd February 3.30 – 5.30pm: This is a drop-in event for an informal chat, we are still waiting on mi:SPACE deliveries and hope to invite parents in to share more learning after the Feb holiday so if you are unable to attend on Thursday there will be another opportunity soon.

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