Hi all,
The Halloween disco is on Thursday evening, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Tickets are £2 and children can purchase these during school time.
Reading: The pages to be read are in your child’s green reading record. Some groups have been sent home with a list of key words for their reading stage too. Please ensure that you help your child in learning these as it will improve their fluency and confidence when reading.
Spelling: We are learning the short vowel sounds this week (a,e,i,o,u) in words like bag, sun etc. The spelling list contains some words with these sounds and days of the week. We are learning cursive handwriting so it would be great to see the children practising this in their homework.
*******It has been super busy in school since the October holidays that Miss Waller’s forgetfulness has gotten a little worse! At the Learning Trio’s I spoke to many parents regarding sending resources/extra work home to support their child to achieve their targets. However, I have realised that I have not done this yet and some of the things I had discussed, I have lost the note of them. Please do email me or speak to me at the end of the day if you were meant to have received something from me and have not yet – L.Waller@mgfl.net ********
Thank you,
Miss Lauren Waller