P2 Homework w.b. 28.10.19

Hi all,

The Halloween disco is on Thursday evening, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Tickets are £2 and children can purchase these during school time. 


Reading: The pages to be read are in your child’s green reading record. Some groups have been sent home with a list of key words for their reading stage too. Please ensure that you help your child in learning these as it will improve their fluency and confidence when reading.

Spelling: We are learning the short vowel sounds this week (a,e,i,o,u) in words like bag, sun etc. The spelling list contains some words with these sounds and days of the week. We are learning cursive handwriting so it would be great to see the children practising this in their homework.

*******It has been super busy in school since the October holidays that Miss Waller’s forgetfulness has gotten a little worse! At the Learning Trio’s I spoke to many parents regarding sending resources/extra work home to support their child to achieve their targets. However, I have realised that I have not done this yet and some of the things I had discussed, I have lost the note of them. Please do email me or speak to me at the end of the day if you were meant to have received something from me and have not yet – L.Waller@mgfl.net ********

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller




P4 Homework w/b 28.10.19

We are back to a full week and the following homework:

Spelling Homework

New spelling patterns are written up in individual homework jotters and taken home on a Wednesday afternoon to be returned the following Tuesday morning. This must be checked and initialled by an adult.

At home they should use:


Write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory.

Reading Homework

Reading will consist of a variety of activities including Literacy Circles, Novel Studies and individual reading tasks. A library novel will also be chosen by your child.

This week individual reading books will go home on Tuesday and returned on Thursday 31st October to be read again in class. Please check your child’s bookmark to note pages to be covered and ensure that you initial to show that an adult has heard reading at least once per week. Your child will read to an adult between two and three times per week in class. It is extremely important that you take the time to listen, encourage and correct any sounds that your child is reading incorrectly. Thank you for your support with developing your child’s love of reading.

Maths & Numeracy Homework

Maths/Numeracy homework will be given out on a regular basis to tie in with what has been taught in class. This will be handed out on Wednesday to be returned the following Tuesday morning.

This week P4 will be reinforcing their work on number-bonds through addition and subtraction. Remember to also practise your child’s chosen times-table target noted during our Learning Trio meeting.

Topic Homework

There will be occasional homework for topic which may include individual research and class talks.

This week’s topic question is:

What material are the Lewis Chessmen pieces carved from?

Additional Information

  • The Hallowe’en disco will be held on Thursday 31st October, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Dunedin Consort will be in school working with P3 and P4 on Thursdays from October to December
  • Rugby will begin a 6 week block starting on Thursday, 31st October, 1:45pm – 2:30pm
  • Flu vaccinations will take place on Monday 4th November

Please note that on Thursday 31st October children should come to school dressed in their PE kit as they have a number of activities going on that day and this will save time changing throughout the day.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy




P1 Homework week beginning 28/10/19

Our Sounds: ‘l’ and ‘f’

Our Tricky words: ‘to’ and ‘do’

Reading books.

Chips: Kippers Balloon

Biffs: Spots

Kippers: The street fair

Floppys: The street fair




This Thursday is our Halloween disco! Doors will open at 18:15pm. Tickets are on sale in school for £2. They will also be available on the door. If you have any last minute donations for our Halloween tombola we would always appreciate your contributions.

This Thursday primary one will be receiving a visit from the police. We are still looking for any other volunteers to come and talk to our children about how to help keep us healthy or safe. Please see the below post.

All the Best,

Miss Ramsay

P6 Homework: Week Beginning 28.10.19

P6 Homework: Week Beginning 28.10.19

Homework is due on Friday 1st November.

Reading – These details are in the pupils’ reading diaries with their copy of the book.

Spelling – The pupils will have the spellings they are to learn this week, copied into their homework jotters. The tasks this week are listed on the paper slip sent home with their jotters. These are as follows;

  • Write each spelling word 3 times.
  • Search for the meaning of any words you are unsure of and copy the meaning into your jotter.
  • Using your spelling words for this week, write a short story that includes these words in it

(use at least 6 words from your list of spelling words).

Numeracy – Each pupil has a division worksheet to attempt at home this week.


News/Events in school this week

  • This week the children will also be having some taster sessions of Hockey and American Football – these are being supplied by Active Schools. If your child wishes to attend the club please contact Active Schools.
  • P7’s are away to camp from Tuesday to Friday.
  • Halloween Fun Night – Thursday 31st October.

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 1st November)

Hello everyone,

This week’s homework is back to normal with the full week of school. If your child could read half of their reading book by Wednesday and the second half by Friday, that would enable us to have a much enhanced discussion in class! Spelling/Read-Write-Inc. homework is due Friday. Feel free to approach this task in any way that you think would benefit your child (some great examples I have seen include rainbow writing, funny sentences and monster writing).

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff (s.mcgaff@mgfl.net)

P5 Information 28/10/19

P5 Homework:

Reading: please see their homework diaries for this information.

Spelling: This is in their purple spelling jotter, to be completed and handed in by Friday 1st November. Children should write sentences which incorporate their spelling words.

Numeracy: Revision sheet to be completed on the squared paper provided. To be completed and returned by Monday 4th November.

This week the children will also be having some taster sessions of Hockey and American Football – these are being supplied by Active Schools. If your child wishes to attend the club please contact Active Schools.

Wednesday 30th October: Trip to Hopetoun House: If you have not returned payment and permission slip please do so before Wednesday. Pupils should wear school uniform and bring in  a Victorian Style picnic lunch – Victorian picnic lunch ideas

Thursday 31st October: Halloween Fun Night.

P7 Info W/B 28th October 2019

Hi all,

Finally, the week of School Camp has arrived! Here follows details of our departure and general reminders about the week ahead.

**Children who are not going to camp, arrive and leave school at normal times Tuesday – Friday and report to Mrs Caldwell each morning for registration. These pupils have a unique and fun week to look forward to and Mrs Caldwell has discussed this with them already.**

Monday – Normal school day for all.

Tuesday – The bus pick up time is 09:30 so I suggest the pupils ensure they are in school between 08:50 and 09:10 at the latest. This allows time for last minute toilet stops etc! Children should arrive with their luggage and make their way through the main reception (office) as we will congregate in the music room. It would be helpful if parents would then leave and wait in the carpark to wave us off! Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to count heads and organise an excited bunch of P7s! I appreciate your support in this. The journey should be less than 90 minutes and children will find out their dorms and groups on arrival. Our first meal is lunch before the afternoon activities begin. It would be an idea to bring a snack and a drink to have to hand when we arrive.

Thursday evening disco – this is not a Halloween themed event. Children should bring smart casual clothes for this. No-one should bring anything linked to Halloween eg. masks or costumes.

Friday – We are due to leave camp at 10am so will be back before the end of the normal school day of 12:25pm. I will contact the school en route who will send a text update to you all as to the time of our arrival. Children can go home from school early IF picked up by a parent/carer otherwise will have to remain in school until 12:25pm if not picked up.

Weather – Looking at the forecasts, it is looking dry for the week ahead but COLD! So, make sure your child brings lots of layers, a pair of gloves, warm head and neck gear; not forgetting a waterproof coat and boots.

Medication – we will take any medication we have in school for P7 pupils with us.

Reminder – no electronic devices or phones should be brought to camp. Disposable cameras are allowed.

Thanks for your support, I hope I have included everything!

Miss S Brunt

P2 Homework w.b. 23.10.19

Hi all,

Sorry for posting this a day later than expected! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are feeling refreshed for the new term. I LOVED hearing all of the children’s holiday news yesterday.

Christmas Cards that the children designed were sent home before the holidays in bookbags, if you wish to place an order for them, please fill in the form and bring in the exact amount money for that order. This must be brought into school by tomorrow (Friday 25th October). 

Friday is Dress down day and the children can bring in a tombola prize for the Halloween disco. Please note that there should be nothing containing nuts handed in, thank you. 

Homework: As it’s only a three day week, the children only have reading to complete. Pages have been written in their green reading record.

I have also made ‘Number Bond to 10’ flashcards for every child and these have been put into their bookbags. One of our main Learn-Its for this term is number bonds to 10, it is extremely important that children have quick recall of these as it supports their addition and subtraction. Please practise these with your children when you can. 

Thank you for all your support,

Miss Lauren Waller