P3 Homework for Week Beginning 18th December

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 19th December

Because this is a shorter homework week, I have only put down a couple of things to look at. Homework jotters won’t come home, and we won’t be having new reading books.

I hope you all have great holidays.

Mr Buchan



We’ve been finishing strongly in numeracy, getting the hang of empty number lines. This strategy will provide a strong basis both for written techniques (i.e. chimney sums) and mental calculation. It would be great to cement this before we all head off. (As before, please practise suitable sums based on the examples below.)

23 + 34 =

141 + 26 =

352 + 124 =

228 + 236 =

356 + 244 =



Our final dictation (Thursday) will focus on the ‘oa’ sound.

boat                 coat                 road                 groan               loaf

toast                soap                 just                  float

Last week we struggled with the ‘ai’ sound, so a bit of practice on ‘oa’ would be good to help us all to finish on a high note.

Primary 1 – 18th December 2017

Well done to P1 and P2 for their amazing performance of Lights, Camel, Action! I am so proud of them all for learning their lines, learning when to come on, singing so well, remembering their dances and most of all performing in front of so many people! I think you will agree they did a fantastic job!

If you have any school library books at home please can they be returned this week.

Tuesday and Wednesday this week the children will be preparing for an inter-house sing-off. The competition is on Thursday – a great many house points at stake!

Wednesday afternoon – Christmas party for P1 and P2. Please send in party clothes for them to change into if they want to. If you haven’t paid your £1 yet please can you do so.

Thursday: the whole school are taking part in a fun Christmas sing-a-long.

Friday we are walking to church for a Christmas service.


Children return on Tuesday 9th January.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2018.


Lisa Cumming


P2 Events W/B 18.12.17

**Congratulations to P1 and P2 for putting on such a marvellous nativity performance last week. We really were so proud of our pupils for fantastic singing, dancing and remembering lots of lines! **

The final week has arrived! Here is a reminder of things that are happening.

Christmas Party for P1/2 – Wednesday 20th ( after lunch). Children may bring party clothes to change into. Santa should arrive at around 2:30pm to give out his gifts to the children. Parents may come and watch!

Church – Friday 22nd- Our school will walk up to the local church for the Christmas service.

There will be no homework as such, although I have put a little challenge on Sumdog which has 50 simple data handling questions. Children will also be able to access this in school.


***Term ends on Friday 22nd at 12 noon***

Pupils resume on Tuesday 9th January 2018.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and best wishes for 2018,

Miss S Brunt


P3 Homework from 12th December

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 12th December

Thanks for all your support with the amazing tombs. I have put a short video on the school website which shows these off a bit!

There are lots of exciting things going on this week with the pantomime and getting ready for our Christmas Concert. There will still be time for writing and maths amongst it all though!

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



This week we are hoping to consolidate addition with two digit numbers. Please could you ask the children to show you solutions using our empty number line strategy? (There’s no need to do all of these. Please just pick three at a suitable level.)

20 + 17 =

34 + 25 =

38 + 44 =

132 + 24 =

247 + 36 =

173 + 237 =



Pages to read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



Spelling words to practice this week are:

boat                 coat

road                 groan

loaf                  float

toast                soap

just                  used

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.


Christmas Jokes

We thought it would be fun for everyone in P3 to find or make up a Christmas joke. The children can then practice telling their jokes to an audience.

P6 Spelling Homework 11.12.17

Monday 11th December (last one of the year!)

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Lollipops and Gummy Bears complete sheet and 1 activity

Chocolates complete 2 activities

For Monday 18th December

P1 Homework 11/12/17

Please find information about homework and the last couple of weeks of term listed below:

Reading: As per their red reading card. This will be the last week of reading until after the holidays.

Phonics: We are recapping on the last six sounds we have learned. They have the six sound cards in their sound bags so they can go over them and use them to make words.

Please send in any moon observation homework sheets.

Monday 11th Nativity 2:00pm

Tuesday: Pantomime ‘Aladdin’ visiting the school in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Christmas Jumper Day: Your child is welcome to wear a Christmas jumper or T-shirt this can be pre-bought or designed at home! If you would like to make a small donation which is in aid of Mission Christmas with Forth One it would be most welcome.

Christmas lunch is on Wednesday. The staff will serve the children. If your child hasn’t ordered a Christmas lunch they will need to bring a packed lunch as there is no alternative on that day.

Friday: P1 and P2 are going to watch the dress rehearsal of the concert.

Last week of term: No homework this week.

Wednesday: P1 and P2 party: If you have not handed £1 in to school yet please do so. Children can bring their party clothes to change in to after lunch.

Thursday: We will be having an inter-house sing-off and a whole school singalong.

Friday: Church and school finishes at 12:00pm

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework and Events W/B 11.12.17

There’s just wo weeks of term left and such a lot to pack in! This week has many exciting events for the children.

Monday 11thInfant Nativity – 2pm  ” Lights, Camel, Action!” We look forward to seeing you there; our dress rehearsal was great fun and it has a real ‘feel good’ vibe to it.

Tuesday 12thHopscotch Theatre visit LHPS in the afternoon to present to P1-4,  Aladdin.                  ( Oh yes, they are!)

Wednesday 13thChristmas Jumper Day ( or T-shirt) and Christmas Lunch. Remember, P2 do not pay for their lunch but should have made their menu selection by now.

ReminderP1/2 Christmas Party is the following week on Wednesday 20th     ( different day from P3-7). If not paid already, can you hand in £1 towards cost please. Children could bring in their party clothes in a bag and change at lunch time if you like. Santa usually finds time to drop in too, to give out a small gift. Parents are welcome to watch this part but the time is yet to be confirmed ( he is such a busy man at this time of year…) It may be 2:15 0r 2:30ish or so….


Spelling – please complete the second set of 6 ‘tricky words’ sent home last week.

Reading – continues as normal- just check bags daily for updates.

*There will be no new homework next week*

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt

P7 Info and News

WW2 Homework grid is due on Tuesday – Pupils have had 3 weeks to do 8 or 9 detailed activities (30 mins on each at least) – WW2 HOMEWORK GRID – 


PUPIL BEHAVIOUR PASSPORTS – Apologies for not handing these out today.  I am trying to get another system as 10 pupils did not hand them in last week so I am thinking of either a parent email or just doing it weekly.  Any suggestions welcome 🙂  They are a lot of work but have been welcomed by parents.

SCHOOL SHOW – COSTUMES AND PROPS FOR MONDAY (The actual show is a week on Monday.

Pantomime is Tuesday afternoon – arrive back at school at 4.30.  Whole upper atrium are out and the lower school will be at their panto too.

XMAS JUMPER DAY AND SCHOOL XMAS LUNCH are on Wed 🙂 Cash donations for local charity.