P3 Homework for Week Beginning 18th December

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 19th December

Because this is a shorter homework week, I have only put down a couple of things to look at. Homework jotters won’t come home, and we won’t be having new reading books.

I hope you all have great holidays.

Mr Buchan



We’ve been finishing strongly in numeracy, getting the hang of empty number lines. This strategy will provide a strong basis both for written techniques (i.e. chimney sums) and mental calculation. It would be great to cement this before we all head off. (As before, please practise suitable sums based on the examples below.)

23 + 34 =

141 + 26 =

352 + 124 =

228 + 236 =

356 + 244 =



Our final dictation (Thursday) will focus on the ‘oa’ sound.

boat                 coat                 road                 groan               loaf

toast                soap                 just                  float

Last week we struggled with the ‘ai’ sound, so a bit of practice on ‘oa’ would be good to help us all to finish on a high note.

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