I cannot believe that in a matter of weeks P7 will be leaving us to go onwards and upwards towards their High School destinations. But before they leave, we have a massive to-do list.
We still have the Island homework block to be completing for each Wednesday.
YEARBOOKS – £9, All pupils have specified that they would like a yearbook for their memories at Loanhead. I am organising this but need some first day of school photos and baby photos please. Can the order forms and payment be put in an envelope marked with pupil name on it and given to Mrs Hinton and not the office.
We are having a P7 Enterprise Day on Monday 10th of June, profits are going towards props for the leavers’ assembly as well as funding part of the yearbook.
Info about yearbooks and Virgin Money £5 enterprise challenge have went home.
Transition days – Beeslack and Lasswade are 12th, 13th and 14th of June. Both schools have parents evenings with blazer fittings on the 13th.
Leavers events:
Parent night – in school, organised by class parents, not PC. Tuesday 25th June,
Leavers’ Assembly – Wednesday 26th of June after lunch
Leavers’ day – Dominion cinema and McDonalds – Thursday 27th June
Final day – finish at 12 noon on Friday 28th June – pupils to be met from classroom door. Previous years parents have organised a piper but this is not organised by the school. Please let Mrs Hinton know if this is organised.
Thanks again for all your support