P4 Homework 20/5/19

Reading: please see the green reading diary and ensure that your child has their reading book and record every day.

Spelling: see the homework jotter. Sentences to be written using the spelling words.

Individual talk: As next week is health week I have asked the children to prepare a 2 minute (minimum) talk about being healthy. This can include: teeth, exercise, hygiene, diet, sleep etc. They can reflect on what they think about their own health and include any sport or activity that contributes to their health. If they want to bring in items to use in their presentation they can. Each child will be given a large sheet of paper to make a poster to support their talk.

I will confirm times for the talks next week.

Other News:

Health Week – next week beginning May 27th. Children should wear sports clothes and footwear to school as they have several taster activities during the week.

Sports Day is on Monday 27th in the afternoon.

Summer Fair : Friday 31st May.


Lisa Cumming

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