p3 Homeworks Week beginning 28.1.19

  1. Hi all,

Quick reminder to return parents night slips as I did find a  few in children’s book bags so hopefully they have remembered to give them to you! Look forward to seeing you next week.

As usual homework will go out on Tuesday and be returned the following Monday.


Our new topic this term is Scottish inventors and I am hoping we can inspire the kids to get inventing themselves! If you have anything at home suitable for junk modelling could you send it in with your child. Any contribution would be much appreciated.


This weeks spelling pattern is the long o vowel sound made using ‘ue’ ‘u_e’ and ‘ew’ as in rescue, cube and few. These can be found on Spelling list 16 on the new spelling words issued this week.

Copy the spelling words in one of the ways suggested on the spelling menu and write 3 sentences.


As normal select a task from the home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.


Hedgehogs – The Revenge of Captain Blood

Tuesday – Chapter 2 and 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday –Chapter 5

Pandas – Hard to Please

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday – Chapter 3

Orangutans – The Flying Machine

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Tigers – The Hunt for Gold

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Polar Bears – The Runaway Van

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- Whole Book




P1 homework – 28-01-19


Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book for the daily reading homework. We are  focusing on getting the class to learn their key words from their word boxes. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can continue to progress onto the next stage of reading books. Please can you continue this focus at home by helping your child to learn these words. This can be done through games, such as a word treasure hunt, find the correct word or just a simple quiz to see how quickly each word is recognised.

Phonics: We are not learning any new sounds this week but we are recapping the ones we have learned so far. To help with this we will be sending home worksheets which either focus on using phonics to create CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words or are related to your child’s reading book. Please help your child to complete these.

Thank you,


Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P7 News and Information 28.1.19

What a fast month this has been.  Pupils have been working hard in class to learn the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.  They have been reminding themselves how to simplify fractions and how to order them.  Pupils have been asked to learn the fractions, decimals and percentages table.

Pupils have been doing a lot of mental maths and it is clear that some pupils are still not yet secure with their times tables, this is more than just counting up in 2s, 4s etc and involves knowing the multiplication and division relationships and to be able to answer a times tables sum as quickly as answering “what is your name?”  Pupils must be revising these, and division, at home whenever possible.

We are excited about our trip to the Forth bridges and have exciting STEM activities planned for this week.  Please remember packed lunches and extremely warm clothing on Thursday.

Pupils should always have a chosen novel for enjoyment in school that they are able to talk about at any time.  The local library has an excellent selection for P7 age.

P2 Homework w.b. 28.1.19

Hi all,

All the children received their parent appointment slips last week, please check  your child’s book bag for these slips.

Homework for this week;

Spelling: This is our last week of bossy ‘e’ and the sound is u_e. The spelling list this week will contain this sound and tricky words. Remember that children can practise these in a number of ways – writing them in pencil or paint, using magnetic letters to make them or even writing silly sentences with them!

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for these pages. Children may be moving up to the next stage in their books over the next few weeks.

Writing: The children wrote some lovely stories about what their favourite pet is last week. There will be another writing sheet sent out on Tuesday and can be returned on the following Monday. If your child is going to complete this over the weekend then I suggest it gets taken out of the book bag as I don’t send them home on a Friday. This weeks writing will be ‘If I were the teacher, I would be’. Please encourage your child to use cursive handwriting as we are practising to use this in class.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller



P6 Home Learning/News W/B 28th January 2019

Hi all,

Home Learning this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus of and off

Pupil Talk – Many children have shown great enthusiasm for this task already so we really look forward to hearing and watching the finished presentations in the final week.

All children have access to computers throughout the week to continue their research. At home, start practising presentations.

Reading – Last week, all pupils had a chance  to select an extra library book so everyone now has something to read in class.

PETuesday  – I’ve noticed there’s an increasing number of children who do not bring a full or even partial PE kit with them. I’m going to discuss with P6 the importance of having a fresh change of clothes for PE, especially as they are maturing!

Sportshall Athletics on Tuesday – Those pupils chosen to go must  return their permission slip dated Tuesday 29th January. Thanks.

Ski-ing –  Wednesday. Children should bring their ski-ing gear with them to change into at school before we leave on the bus (after break). Please note that children should bring a packed lunch as we return to school after the dining room has closed.


Bridges tripThursday  –  Part of the trip includes a walk across the old Forth Road Bridge. Children really should wear warm, protective clothes, including hats, scarves, and gloves. Looking ahead at the weather forecast, it is going to be extremely cold; factor in the openness and elevation, it may feel very bitter and exposed!  All children need to bring a snack and a packed lunch. Cost is £3. Permission slips must be returned ASAP.

Peer Mediation – P6 have now been trained in Peer Mediation and have been invited to volunteer to take turns to mediate in the playground. Peer Mediators act as listeners to opposing parties in disputes and can help to find solutions to minor disagreements. They are not ‘playground police’ or replacing adult supervision/intervention.

Parents Meetings – your child should have given you an appointment time to see me next week ( Wed 6th or Thurs 7th February). If you have not seen this slip, ask your child to check their bags please. If someone was off on the day these slips went out and didn’t get theirs, can you let me know.


Thank you,

Sara Brunt







P4 Homework 22/01/19

P4 Homework   22/01/19

Remember written homework is due in on Mondays



See reading records and website for details




Spelling – a sound (ah)      magic e

mat                mate              amazing              name

fat                  fate                after                    came

hat                 hate                asked                  case

If your child has words written in pen in their homework jotter they should include these in their list for the week.


1.       Write the words in your jotter and write, cover, copy, check

2.       Write one sentence per word.

Your child may have some additional spelling work in their bags from Mrs Black.



There is another Sumdog challenge on Sumdog and the children should all have their sumdog passwords.




p3 Homework 22/01/2019

Hi all,

Apologies for the written homework not returning last week, unfortunately I was off work ill at the start of the week. I hope everyone had a fantastic time over the holidays and that your children are enjoying being back in the swing of things in school.

As usual homework will go out on Tuesday and be returned the following Monday.

Missing Jotters and Folders

Upon organising the homework I noticed quite a few children are missing jotters or folders which makes it difficult to ensure that all the children are getting their homework and keeping their things together without going missing. If you find  child does have a missing jotter could you send me in a little note and I will get them a new one and similarly with the reading folders as I can provide a poly pocket for them to use.


This weeks spelling pattern is the long o vowel sound made using ‘oa’ ‘o_e’ and ‘ow’ as in boat, stone and bow. These can be found on Spelling list 16 on the new spelling words issued this week.

Can I ask that you are getting the children to also write a minimum of three sentences as well as practicing their spelling words as good sentence structure is something many of the children are not using within class. Your children should now be aware of vocabulary including adjectives, nouns, proper nouns and verbs as well as punctuation including full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and speech marks and are encouraged to use these within their writing.


As normal select a task from the home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.


HedgehogsThe Case of the Smiling Shark

Tuesday – Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2-3

Thursday –Chapter 4-5

Friday – Chapter 6

Pandas – Coming Clean

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday – Chapter 3

Orangutans – The Litter Queen

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Tigers – The Jigsaw Puzzle

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Polar Bears – Friends

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End


*Please note there has been some changes within the reading groups the children are aware of these changes if unsure double check with your child what group they are reading with in class. There will also be a note in your child’s reading record.


P2 Homework w.b. 21.1.19


Well done to all the children who took the time to learn one of the Scottish poems that I sent home last week, it was lovely to hear them recite it to the class!

Homework for the week:

Reading – Please check your child’s reading record for the pages that have to be read that night. Alongside their reading book, please encourage your child to read something that they enjoy too. Fluency and confidence in reading improves with the more children read.

Spelling – We are continuing to learn about bossy ‘e’, with our sound o_e this week. Spelling lists will contain words with this sound.

Writing – To support the children in expanding their vocabulary within their writing, I will be giving out a writing task each week. This will also go out on Tuesday but does not have to be back until Monday of the following week. I will also give the children a jotter to complete this work in.

Thank you for all your support in this new term.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Lauren Waller