P6 News and Homework January 8th 2019

Hi all,

Welcome back P6! I hope everyone enjoyed their time off school and will be looking forward to a very busy, fun term. Thank you so much for all my lovely Christmas presents.


The first week back is Scottish Week across the school. However, P6 will continue the theme for the rest of this short term. The four focus areas will be:

  • Learning and reciting a Scottish poem
  • Preparing and delivering a pupil talk about a Scottish inventor or pioneer
  • Studying a historical topic; in this case, the Jacobites
  • A trip to the Forth Bridges as a mini ‘STEAM’ topic at the end of January

In addition to all this, we begin our block of ski-ing and will  have weekly lessons from a visiting Mandarin teacher!

Week beginning Tuesday 8th January

Spelling – To consolidate the spelling from last term, there will be no new spelling list this week. However, there will be a revision sheet on they’re, there and their sent home.

Reading – There will be no reading book home. However, children must bring in reading material that they enjoying reading in school as we will have set aside time for personal reading. In addition, we will be practising comprehension skills in class and children will put these into practice when researching their pupil talk.

Poetry– Everyone will be given a Burns or Scottish poem to learn to recite. Two children from each year group will be selected to recite their poem at a special assembly towards the end of January. Children should be ready to read/recite their poem by Thursday 17th January.

Numeracy – It is vital that children know their times tables or have strategies to quickly work these out ( not using technology!) Numeracy homework will consist of tables practice. This will start next week. This week, there is a Sumdog challenge.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Finally, a reminder that children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.

There will be more information about each element as it is required but that’s all for now,

Thank you,

Sara Brunt