P3 Homework for week beginning 28th August

Primary 3 Homework – Week Beginning 28th August

Homework this term will be set and collected on Tuesdays.

As the new year begins it will help us all to get some practice going over the basics.

With homework activities that are not written down (e.g. the maths games) please could you write a note in your homework jotter to tell me what you did.

Thanks very much!

Mr Buchan




Play “Number Bonds Tennis”. This is where one person says a number between 0 – 10 and their partner has to respond with the number that would add up for 10. For example, 5 -> 5 or 0 -> 10 etc. See how fast you can go without making mistakes!

Practise counting forwards out loud in 2s, 5s and 10s.



Everybody has new reading books. Please read the pages indicated on your bookmarks.

If possible, please could you read some of the pages out loud to an adult.

Spelling – Please practise these common words:

the                   that

of                     are

and                  for

you                  was

A great method is to look, say, cover, write and then check each word. This is how we will practise in class. Please try to practise each word twice in this way.

Try to make up a sentence that uses three of the words from this week’s list.

High School information for P7

It is hard to believe that this time next year you will be in S1 at your chosen High School.  Both Beeslack and Lasswade have open evenings coming up which all P7 parents are invited to.  The information is below

Lasswade: There is a current S1 Information Evening planned for Thursday 7 September .  There is also an S1 Parents’ Family Learning Evening on Tuesday 3 October and on Wednesday 1 November, there is a P7 Information Evening.  Parents’ Evenings generally commence at 5.00 pm- this would be the most beneficial one to attend.


Open evening – The evening includes a tour of the school, an opportunity to meet teachers and for current pupils to share with you some of their learning experiences. The evening is generally well attended and visitors chave commented on the wecoming atmosphere and the strong realtionships evident between pupils and staff.

Our next open evening is on Thursday the 12th of October 2017 from 6.30-8.30pm (LOANHEAD PARENTS CONSULTATION).  They have also recently updated their website with some great info about transition, travel and school handbook http://www.beeslackhigh.co.uk/page/?title=School+Information&pid=7

Welcome to P4.

P4 Information

Welcome back everyone! I hope that you had a nice holiday and are settling back into the school routine easily.

I thought I would provide you with some current information about timetable and topic organisation, homework and swimming.

Timetable Information

Music- The children have music on a Monday morning with Mrs Callaghan and will come into school from the lines first.

P.E.- Our pre-planned P.E. days are Wednesday (with me) and Thursday with Mrs Duncan. I think everyone now has a P.E. kit in school but if not can I remind you to provide one for those days.

Class Novel- By popular demand I am reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone to the class after breaks.

Topic- For the next week we are learning about Pirates and Mapping. Linked to survival on a desert island a member of the Outdoor Learning Team is coming on Monday 4th September to assist us in the building of Outdoor Shelters.


Due to the fact that the building of the new leisure center is not yet complete swimming will begin on the 12th of September. Children will need a packed lunch that day- a letter with follow.

The children should bring a swimming  costume/trunks a towel and goggles. There is no need to pay for a locker and we won’t be using hairdryers or vending machines.


Homework in P4 will be distributed on a Tuesday and should be returned on  a Monday.

There will always be reading and spelling and initially (starting from next week) the children will be asked to revise their learn its. More numeracy homework may be handed out as and when additional numeracy support is needed.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 29th) I will give everyone a printed copy of the spelling chart and children will be expected to write what is required in their jotters.

There will be a copy on the Website, posted by 4pm on Tuesday.

Any worksheets that are required will be given and any further copies will either be available from the website (if possible) or from me.



Primary 1 Homework 28/08/2017

Primary 1 Homework

Homework will be given out Monday to Thursday – I will keep the homework bags on Fridays to prepare for the following week.

Your child has been given a red book for their phonic homework. I will be teaching three sounds per week in a block of six sounds. Please only complete one sound per night: The homework consists of learning the correct letter formation for the sound and some colouring to help with pencil control.

When doing the homework please feel free to play games involving the sound we are learning e.g. hunt for something beginning with the sound, earning points if you hear the sound etc.

Date Sound
Monday 28th August S Reading
Tuesday 29th August A Reading
Wednesday 30th August T Reading
Thursday 31st August Recap all three Reading
Monday 4th September P Reading
Tuesday 5th September I Reading
Wednesday 6th September N Reading
Thursday 7th September Recap all three Reading



Your child has been given a reading book. These books are wordless but they have a printed extended story for you to read with your child. There are also questions for you to ask. This is an important part of the reading process, encouraging your child to look closely at the story and follow it. Listening to and looking for visual cues helps children to get better understanding of a story.

P6 Spelling Homework 28.8.17

Monday 28.1.17

Please read, cover, write and check all 10 words twice in your jotter.

Please put your words into alphabetical order.

Then rewirte your words and circle all the vowels.


FOr Monday 4th September

P2 Homework W/B 28.8.17

Events and Homework this week:

Wednesday and Thursday – PE

WednesdayMeet the Teacher3:30 – 4pm. A chance to drop in with your child, see the classroom and have an informal chat.


Everyone has reading and spelling homework. I have sent home work in a clear homework bag unless your child handed in their green folder from last year.

Spelling – I have sent home a sheet with SIX weeks worth of spelling lists. I have dated the top of each list, clearly indicating when each one is to be learned. This week, the sound focus is ‘sh‘. I have also sent home a grid of spelling activities which are basically online games, jotter work and quick revision games which need nothing. If you cannot access the spelling games online, do not worry as your child will play these games in school ICT time anyway. Use the other choices to practise the spelling list.

When will my child get a spelling test?

We ‘test’ spelling through the dictation of sentences and so, the dictation of List 1 will take place next week. However, I would like the spelling jotters handed in for me to mark on Fridays.


Everyone gets a new book this week, following on from where they left off in Primary One 🙂 . I’ll put in markers to guide you as to how much to read and when.


Thanks for your support; hope to meet you on Wednesday.

Miss Brunt

Welcome to P7 – Some quick information

Welcome back Primary 7!

You all looked so smart in your red hoodies today, what a fabulous start to, what I am sure will be, an amazing year for you all.

As discussed, there is no homework this week other than house captain speeches which we will begin to write in class at the end of this week. These will be due in at the end of next week.

When you enter our classroom you will intermediately notice that it is like no other because it was designed, after a lot of research, by P7 last year.  It promotes high level learning, rich collaboration, student centered and active learning. This fortnight we are trying out different learning areas to suit learning styles and hopefully you will learn more and more about how your learning environment can help or hinder learning. Today we worked outside, on the floor, in groups, in ICT and in the noisy hall today and you were all able to reflect on these environments really well.  The respect that you showed to some of the “funky furniture” was great – well done! We will begin to explore all the flexible seating options every day, please trust and bear with me because I know you will not only love your new space, but overtime you will also understand why it is how it is and be able to change things and make adaptations.

I put together a Welcome back newsletter HERE in a PDF for you to have a look at and once I have edited your DAY 1 PHOTOS i will put them below 🙂

Mrs Hinton (k.hinton@mgfl.net)

Welcome to P2 W/B 22.8.17

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a lovely summer!

In this first week back, there will be no homework; we’ll just take time to settle in and find our P2 feet! But please do check your child’s bag every day for letters/info etc.


Just to remind you that P2 will now be in school each day until 3:15pm Mon-Thurs and 12:25pm on a Friday. Start time of 08:50 remains. Please collect your child from the P2 classroom outer door which faces out towards the school reception. This is to ensure that P2 children are collected safely as, with all pupils now coming out at the same time, the playground may become very busy and hectic.

PE– Children require a full PE kit in school ( t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes). PE days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

This week, we’ll be learning new routines, working together to create a class charter and talking about ‘learning powers’ – strategies we use to enhance learning.

Every week, homework and news will appear on our P2 page and a printed copy of this will also be sent home. I do try to have the web page updated by Sunday evenings.

Thank you,

Miss Brunt