Hi all,
I hope you all had a lovely and restful Easter holiday. What wonderful weather we had!
Below are just a few reminders of what is happening this week. I will also post reminders on Google Classroom too.
Spelling homework can be found on Google Classroom and should be completed in your child’s green jotter and brought in on Friday.
Reading books should be taken home everyday and returned the next morning so your child can join in with their group. Please help your child have a look for their reading record as it is very important they get a signature from an adult every night to evidence homework completion.
We have P.E. with Mrs Duncan on Wednesday so children should come to school dressed in their P.E kit.
P5 are also very lucky to have Miss Sun on Thursday afternoons for Mandarin, and we have our whole school zoom assembly on Friday.
If you need anything then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Miss Lauren Waller