P2 Homework🐝📕- 28.08.23

Hello all,

Homework will be sent out for the first time today for both reading and spelling. They will continue to follow the same format as it did in Primary 1.

🐝 Spelling words will be handed out on each Monday to be returned on Friday. Instructions are inside the front cover of jotters.

The phonics sound of the week will be introduced on a Tuesday, therefore I recommend waiting until Tuesday to begin any spelling words as they will then be more familiar with the sound.

  • This weeks sound will be ‘sh’.

📕 Reading pages will be set daily from Monday- Thursday and details of this will be in the reading records.

Miss Aitken🙂

✏️P1 News and Info 28.8.23🧩

⭐️ What an amazing first week our Primary 1 learners have had.

🤾 PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children should keep gym shoes and a PE kit in school. Please note that trainers are recommended for indoor/gym shoes as plimsolls are not as sturdy for P.E.

💧Please note children should bring a water bottle and snack every day. Children should only have water in their bottles, not juice, thank you.

🏫  Learning 

📝 Phonics: Last week we introduced two letters; s and a and this wee we will learn t and i. We use Jolly Phonics songs to learn a story and action for each letter sound. See if you can do the sound and action at home. Soon we will know S, A, T, P, I and N. With these 6 letters we can spell lots of words!

🔟  Numeracy:

  • We are learning to count out amounts and order/sequence numbers to 10. It is really important that your child can recognise numerals to 10 and count forwards/backwards from any given number (e.g. start at 3, stop at 9).
  • We are learning to match amounts to numerals (e.g. ****=4) and write them

Some online games that can help at home with this are:




⚓️ Topic: We are going to start our topic ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.

📗 Home Learning 

Phonics:  Please complete the ‘t’ and ‘i’ worksheet this week and return the booklet to school on Friday. Support your child to form their letters correctly all the way along the lines and colour the matching picture neatly. If they want to keep practising they can try to write words and the letter around the picture.

What fabulous work last week:


Click here for letter formation rhymes.

📚 Reading: Last week, the children were introduced to the ORT characters (Kipper, Biff etc.) and this week they will bring home wordless books and key words.

  • The wordless books come with a separate sheet which is used by the adult to read the story and prompt discussions.  this should be done each night and hopefully the children will talk more and more about the pictures on each page when they read them later in the week after the previous discussions.
  • Key words – please cut these out and use as flash cards for children to learn

Children should bring in a small tub, to be kept in their book bag, for their key words. These words need to be learned and the children need to be able to read them all before they can move onto books with words.

Please note, wordless books are so important for developing key reading skills and they promote amazing discussions.

📗  Book bags are available from the school office. Book bags, diaries and reading books should be brought to school every day.

🧩 P1 Curriculum Evening on Wednesday 30th August 5pm – 6pm. Please enter through the school office if you would like to attend.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

🖋 Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller 🍎

Primary 2- 23.08.23

Hello Primary 2 families⭐

I apologise for the delay in getting information to you all, I have only just received access to be able to do so. All information will be posted here for you until the time that P2 pupils receive their devices.

Homework will begin week commencing 28th August.

🏃‍♀️Our P.E days will be Monday and Wednesday. Children should keep their PE kit and shoes in school.

✉️Please could you ensure all letters are returned to the school.

💧 If all children could bring in a water bottle into school every day, and no toys should be brought into school.

It would be really helpful if all clothes and belongings could be named so that there is no mix ups or missing things can be returned to the correct person.

Reminder!    Today is the last day for milk orders.

Miss Aitken🙂

✏️P1 News and Info 21.8.23🧩

⭐️ Hello to our new Primary 1 families. We will use our school website to update you on any news and information. You may want to bookmark our school website to check the P1 section weekly.

✉️ Please ensure all letters/forms are returned to school ASAP.

🤾 PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children should keep gym shoes and a PE kit in school.

💧Please note children should bring a water bottle and snack every day. No toys should be brought to school.

📗 Home Learning: 

We have started learning our sounds and will learn 2 a week. This week we are learning ‘s’ and ‘a’. Your child will bring home a phonics home learning booklet on Wednesday (23rd). Please complete the ‘s’ and ‘a’ worksheet this week and return the booklet to school on Monday. Support your child to form their letters correctly and colour the matching picture neatly.

Click here for letter formation rhymes.

📗  Book bags are great for keeping homework and letters in one place. They are available from the school office.

🧩 P1 Curriculum Evening on Wednesday 30th August 5pm – 6pm. Please enter through the school office.

Thank you,

🖋 Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller 🍎


✏️P1 News and Info 17.8.23🧩

⭐️ Hello to our new Primary 1 families. We will use our school website to update you on any news and information. You may want to bookmark our school website to check the P1 section weekly.

We have had an amazing start to the school year and are really impressed with how each pupil has settled and adapted into our routine and environment.

✉️ You will receive an envelope with various forms inside, it is really important these are filled in and returned ASAP.

🥪 Pupils will receive a packed lunch this week. From next week we will follow the Midlothian school dinner menu and packed lunches will be available to request in advance for Fridays.

Click here to view the Primary school dinner menu

🤾 PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children should keep gym shoes and a PE kit in school.

📗 It is always useful for children to have a named book bag. If you wish to purchase one then they are available from the school office. These are helpful to hold and letters, reading books and home learning.

💧Please note children should bring a water bottle and snack every day. No toys should be brought to school.

👕 Finally, we would be so grateful if all items of uniform etc are named. This limits lost property and helps our classroom run smoothly.

Thanks for your support,

🖋 Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller 🍎