☃️Festive Card Orders 2023✉️

It is that time of year again, where we design greeting cards to fund raise for school funds.  These cards have been really popular in the past and can raise a lot of money for our school.

Your child will shortly being their design home.  If you wish to order cards you should fill out the back of the card and return to school when you have paid on ParentPay.  The last payment date is 11.10.23, once our order has been collected we cannot send any more.


Not only can you purchase cards but there are labels, wrapping paper, postcards, chocolate bars and lots more.  I often use mine as Thank You cards for my children to write after Christmas – so I tick “leave blank inside”.  Some children make New year cards, Eid cards or Birthday card designs too.

If you would like a blank form e.g. for siblings or a family card.  Linda in the school office will be able to give you one.

🌰 P1 info 25.9.23

🌡️ The weather is starting to change and the temperatures are starting to drop. Please ensure your child comes to school with a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes for outside breaks.

We have a new teacher who joined us in P1 last week, Mrs Addie, and she will be in class again this week too. Mrs Beattie is still supporting P1 when needed.

👟 P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be learning the sounds h and r. Please  complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday. 

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Children will have a book Mon-Tues and then a new book Wed – Thurs. Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

🧮 Maths/Number

We are continuing to learn about 2D and 3D shapes. This week is Maths Week, so we will be learning about how we use maths in real life.

⭐Other info

📚 Primary 1 are going on their first trip to the library on Friday. We will be having a story read to us and get the chance to all pick out a book to have in class. It will be very exciting!

📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🚌 We are also looking for a helper for our trip to Rosslyn Chapel. This would be on Wednesday 25th October, leaving school around 9:10/15am and returning before 12pm. Please email the school office or speak to one of us, if you would be happy to volunteer. 

📄 Letters for Learning Trios will be given out on Monday (25th), please fill in and return ASAP. 

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie


🍁P1 info 19.9.23

Hi all,

We hope you have had an enjoyable and restful long weekend.

👟 P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.

🔤 Phonics – Last week, we started to focus on segmenting and blending words using our first set of sounds (s.a.t.i.p.n). This week we will be learning the sounds c/k and e. Please  complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday. 

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  This week all children will have the same book Tues – Fri.

🧮 Maths/Number

We have been learning all about 2D shapes and will be moving on to learn about 3D shapes. We will continue to do lots of counting to 20 and finding the number before/after. Children will also be learning to use the part/whole model with numbers to 10. For example, 5 can be broken apart as 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2.

⭐Other info

Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.


📄 Letters for SeeSaw and Roslin trip should be returned ASAP. We are also looking for a helper for our trip to Rosslyn Chapel. This would be on Wednesday 25th October, leaving school around 9:10/15am and returning before 12pm. Please email the school office or speak to one of us, if you would be happy to volunteer. 

P1/2 will be starting to think about their Harvest assembly performance later this week and some children may come home with lines to learn. Please support your child to say their lines with a loud and clear voice.

📷 School photos are on Thursday 21st September.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

Reading Homework Info!

⭐Hello all P2 families!⭐

Spelling homework will now be sent home on a Tuesday. This makes more sense as we learn our new sound that day!

I also wanted to write the details of the daily reading homework on here as there have been some instances of forgotten or missed reading records and I thought this might be a more effective way to do so.

Monday- Page 1-8

Tuesday- page 8-16

Wednesday- whole book OR 16-24 (depending on size of book).

Thursday- whole book and verbally answering the questions at the back of the book to focus on their reading comprehension/ understanding of what they read.

Miss Aitken☺

🍁P1 info 11.9.23

We hope that everyone is enjoying the last of our summer, we love Autumn so look forward to lots of autumnal adventures this term 🍂.

🔤 Phonics – This week we are not learning any new sounds.  We have learned the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n and are having a focus on segmenting and blending words using magnetic boards as well as trying to write them.  There are lots of words you can make with the first 6 sounds e.g. pin, sat, tin, nip, tan, sin, tap etc.  In class we will be saying the words out slowly and seeing if we can hear the 3 sounds in them then making or writing them.

We are also identifying initial sounds e.g. what sound can you hear first in the word tap?  These skills are tricky and and practise at home would be amazing.  We have provided some green sound cards for you to use.

We play some games on the SMARTboard to enhance our learning, if you wish to use these at home the links are here:


📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  we will have a book for mon/Tues and a new one for wed/Thurs.

🧮 Maths/Number

We are continuing to count to 20, forwards and back.  We are also sequencing and ordering numbers so children can gain an understanding of quantity and where a number is placed on a number line.  We love using this game in class

We are also discussing which numbers come before, after and between numbers within 20 and learning to write numbers correctly.

Other info

Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc (please see previous post) this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

We are also looking for junk for junk modelling.



📄 Letters for SeeSaw and Roslin trip should be returned asap.


Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller

📷 P1 request for photos 👪

📷In P1 we aim to make our learning environment a place that children feel safe and secure.  We would like to include some photos around our space that our children can use in discussions etc.  If possible, please could you send in a couple of photos, if you only have digitals feel free to email them to the school and we can print them out.

We are looking for:

  • 👪 Family photos

  • 🏠 A photo of your home (from the outside)

  • 🐱Photo of pets

Many thanks in advance 🙂

Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller

🍂 P1 News and info 4.9.23 🐝

This week in Primary 1 we will be continuing our learning about The Lighthouse keepers lunch and Zones of Regulation. 😊

Polite reminders:

  • Water only in water bottles (no juice), we are a health promoting school 💧
  • Children need to come to school in outdoor shoes and have shoes with them for gym which they change into.  They usually leave a pair in school. 👟
  • There are many back to school bugs going round, If you are able to pick up a box off tissues for our classroom tissue bank then we would be so grateful – we go through lots! 🤧
  • Junk modelling – we are looking for some recycling to use for junk modelling.  Please ensure these are clean and dry. 🎁

✏ In Literacy we will finish set 1 sounds by learning “p” and “n”.  Once the children learn these sounds we can begin to try blending CVC words from our sounds (s,a,t,i,p,n = sit, nip, sat, tap, pit and so many more) You will receive some of these sounds on cards to cut out and build words with at home.  Magnetic words or bathtime alphabets etc are all fun ways to support at home.

Click this link to practise some phonics songs and actions

Please continue to home learning booklet – 2 pages each week.  trace the sound and write on your own to the end and then colour the picture.  Fabulous work last week!

Key words – you have been given key words on red card.  These should be cut out and popped in a box to be used both in school and home.  These are stage 1 key words (mum, dad, a, the, Biff,  Chip, Kipper, and, Floppy) and must be known at sight before the children can move from wordless books.  Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller will be looking at key words knowledge this week with groups.

📗 Continue to read each day with your child, this is so so important.

🔢 In Numeracy and Maths we are continuing our counting to 20 and linking numeral to number, numbers before and after and in between as well as counting backwards.  We will also be looking at shape naming and shapes in the world around us.

What a fun filled week of learning!