P4 Homework 30/01/18


Some children have a particular system that they are following and the pattern of this should not should not change.

See Reading Records:

On TuesdayThursday for J.K Rowling-  Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. Reading for Thursday 1st and Summariser work for Tuesday 5th

On Tuesday, Thursday for Julia Donaldson

On MondayWednesday, Thursday for Roald Dahl and Jeff Kinney- Summariser activity for Jeff Kinney for Tuesday 5th

Enid Blyton- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. For Tuesday 5th

David Walliams- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records. For Tuesday 5th



Activities 30/0/18:

  1. Jan/ February Spelling activity challenge- earn 20 points.
  2. Write two sentences with your spelling words and a connective (but, because, so, then, however, meanwhile, therefore, consequently).

Children have been give new Spelling challenge sheets and now should earn 20 points.

They have new spelling groups also.

Dolphins- magic e    a-e     e.g. came  same

Pigs- ai     e.g. maid   said

Parrots all-al      e.g. walk     fall   small

I have told the children that they can also learn the sounds and patterns from the other groups if they wish so this is why your child may have more than one word list home.

Primary 3 Homework from 30th January

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 30th January

We’re really looking forward to Friday’s assembly and showing all our learning about Scotland. It’ll be great to see you there if you are able to make it (11:45am).

In RME with Mrs Wallace the children are going to be learning about weddings. If you have any photos from family weddings it would be fun for the children to see some in class. Please don’t send anything too precious though! A copy or even a drawing of the photo would be absolutely fine.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




In numeracy this week we will have a final ‘exit pass’ to check understanding of the columns method for addition. I have been very pleased with how well this has been picked up.

After addition we are now moving on to subtraction. To start with we will go back to empty number lines to ensure solid understanding of this process. Then (next week) we will look at the written method for subtraction in columns, which people often find slightly trickier than the method for addition.

To get our brains fired up for all this, I have set a new Sum Dog challenge which is focussed on subtraction.

Please let me know if you need a reminder of login details or if you have been having any compatibility issues.



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



To help develop our VCOP, the children are each going to start a writing Swag Bag. This is somewhere they can write down great words or phrases that they come across, storing them up for whenever we are writing and they need some inspiration.

To get a few things in the bag, please could everyone try to find four ‘wow words’ this week? A wow word can be something we just like, or maybe a new word that we did not know before. They could come from reading online, story books or a newspaper. They could even come from something we hear.

If these four words are written into homework jotters they can then be copied across in class.



A few common words have been cropping up as common mistakes. Please could we practise these (look – say – cover – write – check) and then use them in sentences.

every                           everyone

come                           some

someone                     never

P7 Info 29.1.18

Pupils will be reciting their Burns Poetry on Tues – I cannot wait to hear them, they have been working so hard on these!

Their Scots Person from the Enlightenment project/presentation is for Feb 9th but I am aware many are complete so we may see some sooner.

This week in Maths and Numeracy we are working on revision of division with the written method e.g. 4/2576 and we are consolidating Measure (Length, area, volume and Weight)

Homework is for Monday 5th Feb and Pupils have a green maths homework jotter and a pink literacy homework jotter.

Literacy homework – re write the passage correctly using a dictionary to correct the spelling – correctly spelled words may be written in colour or underlined.  Please encourage quality presentation for homework.



Pupils should bring full PE kits Tues/Thurs inc indoor shoes.  ALL JEWELLERY MUST BE REMOVED OR TAPED UP as per High School policy.

P1 Homework 29/01/18

P1 Homework 29/01/2018

I have been very impressed at how the children have been learning their Scottish poems and thank you for supporting this.

Phonics: We are on the last three Jolly Phonic Sounds this week: ue, er and ar. We will move onto other sound patterns whilst continuing to reinforce the Jolly Phonics sounds that we have learned.

Reading: Please see their reading cards as usual and continue with key words.

Common words: I have given out a new set of common words to learn – these words will really help the children with their reading and writing.

Reminder: Thursday 1st February Parents Drop-in sessions

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework W/B 29.1.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 22 ‘y’

Reading – Please check book bags as usual for reading book updates.

Scots Poems – A massive thank you to you all for the effort put into learning a poem. I have been extremely impressed so far!!! I’ll hear children recite their poems on Monday ( 29th) and have the difficult task of choosing 2 children to represent P2 at the Poetry Assembly on Thursday.

What will I be looking for? Well, confidence is a big factor and  ability to recite a whole poem from memory is desirable. Adding in expression and flair would top it all off!

NumeracySumdog – I have created a ‘Fraction- Money Mash Up’ Challenge this week. I am keeping track of the top ten players on the Sumdog leader board each week and each person is assigned points by me.

I’ll also be sending home a Numeracy Round Up sheet ( either #1 or #2) and would like these completed and handed back in next Monday please.

Topic – This week we are going to begin our study of Electricity which is a really fun topic to do. We start off by identifying electrical equipment around us, going on to power sources such as mains/batteries; being safe around electricity; and eventually exploring simple electrical circuits and making things move.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday.

Parents Drop In – is on Thursday from 3:30pm to 5pm. Come along if you’d like to see some of your child’s work and have a chat.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt

Primary 6 Homework 26/1/18

All groups with the exception of those reading Frogspell have reading homework for next week. They will be given homework on Tuesday (30/1)

All pupil have a maths worksheet to complete for Friday 2/2/18.

I have given pupils a few more days to learn /practise the Burns poem they chose last week. They need to be ready for Tuesday 30/1/18.

Thank You Mrs. Hunter.


Parents Evening


This term our parents evening will be a drop in session.  Come along with your child and let them show you around their classroom and share their learning with you.  The class teacher will be in attendance for you to ask questions or chat to about next steps.

If there are any issues that you wish to discuss in a less public setting please make an appointment with the teacher outwith this event.

P3 Homework from 23rd January

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 23rd January

We are starting to get ready for our Scottish Assembly on 2nd February. Hopefully letters made it home last week about parents and family being able to come in and watch that.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Everyone made a great start with Sum Dog last week, despite my mix-up! I have set a new challenge one for this week.

In class we are working on the “columns” method for addition.

4   3   9

+  3 1 2   5

    7    6   4

Our golden rules have been:

  • When you write out a sum, make sure the numbers are lined up on top of each other in the correct columns.
  • Always start working from the units.
  • When you are adding, don’t forget the numbers that have jumped over.
  • Sometimes you need to make another column to finish the sum.

Please could everyone practise examples at home?

45 + 23                35 + 16                 67 + 24                      38 + 45

354 + 233           263 + 364              58 + 76                    654 + 478



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.


Scottish Poems

The children are doing very well learning their Scots poems. The school competition has moved back to Thursday 1st February, but our P3 heats will be on Thursday 25th.


Children who do not want to perform in front of an audience will not have to, but it is still important to learn and practise the poem as this is a useful skill to develop.



We are nearly finished working through the 100 most common English words. (You can search for Fry’s 100 to find out more.) For this week please could we practise:

shirt                             called

where                          were

threw                           through

dirt                              down

write                            running

As usual, please could the children work through the lists using our “look, say, cover, write and check” method, then use the words to write some sentences.