Pupils have been given Maths homework jotters and have been asked to supply a strong plastic wallet for these to go in along with homework sheets. I have also allocated homework diaries for those without. Pupils should also try to have access to showbie either via IOS, apple, android or windows as I will include some revision on there for pupils who wish to use it.
- We have been looking at Speed,Distance and Time calculations and have progressed onto Decimals, fractions and percentages. Pupil homework builds on learning in class and it is ESSENTIAL that pupils know their times tables. It is expected that by P7 they know them all, if not then those pupils must continue to work on this.- you tube teaching aid for S,D,T – S,D,T calculation, Teaching aids for fractions and decimals Decimal Place Value , Multiply decimals , Decimal Division
- Reading circles have been set up this week and pupils have chosen books and all set their homework in their groups. They always have a reflection of some sort to do alongside their reading – this will not just be a simple summary.
- As you must be aware, our current topic is Robotics. We have 8 lucky pupils who were drawn from the hat to participate in the Birmingham competition in March (I have only just finalised information but it will all come out to parents, those pupils who wished to be considered for the competition had already taken a basic info sheet home). There is still our school “robot wars” competition as well as the Midlothian competition so all pupils will still be doing the same learning regardless of each competition, They will all produce and code a robot suitable for the Crossover challenge.