P2 Homework W/B 27.2.17

Events this week:

  • World Book Day is on Thursday and to recognise this, we are asking children to bring in a book they enjoy reading to read at specific points each day. Don’t worry if you forget, we have plenty of great books in school!
  • The photographer is in school on Wednesday to take group/class photos (not individuals or family) so can pupils please wear school uniform.
  • Gymnastics continues on Monday so children will need their PE kit for this  ( and on Thursday please)

Homework –

Thanks to all who completed the ‘electricity’ comprehension task.

Reading –  continues as normal plus extra reading in class for World Book Week.

Spelling  – List 23 ‘ow’ as in grow, show

Numeracy – Add on/take away three sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.  Please cut these sums up to use as flash cards. Children really need to be fast at knowing these basic facts.

Topic‘Fairyland’  This is a story based topic which lends itself to many cross-curricular learning opportunities. Last week, children discovered a small dragon in their classroom and he brought with him a letter, explaining that Fairyland has been destroyed and that he needs P1/2 to rebuild it in our atrium. He also wants children to read and listen to more fairy tales to keep Fairyland alive. The children have named the dragon Stripy!

Can children bring in some ‘small’ junk to help us make things for Fairyland? Examples being small boxes ( cereal packets, tissue boxes etc), kitchen roll tubes ( not toilet tubes please)…thanks in advance!

Miss Brunt

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