Hi all,
PE – Monday and Wednesday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration.
Bikeability – Group 1 have their second session on Monday 27th. These are: LC , CR, LBar, SW, EvT, AR, IG, JM and CG.
BIKE WEEK – Children are encouraged to cycle to school this week if possible. Remember to wear helmets!
- Cyclists will get a raffle ticket to be entered into a prize draw.
- The ‘Smoothie Bike‘ visits mid week – pedal as fast as you can and create a smoothie at the same time!
- ‘Bling Your Bike‘ – Wednesday 29th
🧮MATHS WEEK – There’s a national focus on maths this week in Scottish Schools. The focus is on ‘Maths in Real Life‘. Each day there’ll be a maths task designed with this in mind. All classes have been entered into a national maths contest on Sumdog too.
👐PEER MEDIATION TRAINING – P7 will be trained to be peer mediators during sessions run by Tara Larkin, every Tuesday. Once trained, children can volunteer to take turns to be peer mediators in the playground – this means they can help to sort out any disputes between younger pupils.
Homework :
Spelling – Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.
Maths – A maths task will be sent home on Wednesday. This will focus on angles. Due the following Wed please.
📚Reading – Can every child please have personal reading text in school for such times when children may read quietly.
Recent News
Last week, P7 had an African drumming session with Josh from Infectious Grooves. Children learned about the origin of this genre of drum music and by the end of the hour, they were playing various drums and percussion instruments in an energetic ‘poly-rhythmic finale’!
Brass – Would any P7 like to learn to play a brass instrument? Mr Walker ( instructor) is keen to recruit some new players. Children have been shown how to access the application form on Midlothian Council’s website. Lessons are free!
Edinburgh College STEM event – Last Thursday, we teamed up with Edinburgh College to design 40 cm long bridges ( paper/card/straws) to take as much weight as possible. Children had a great time building and testing – one bridge proved it could carry 2.5kg! Unfortunately ,we had some technical difficulties using Microsoft Teams and the live stream meets were slightly compromised .
On this note, Midlothian Council are in the process of migrating our IT systems to Google. In a few months time, we hope that each pupil will get their own device to use ( Chromebook). Children now have an ‘@midlothian.education‘ email address and new log-in details. We are still waiting to transfer from our old Google Classroom to the new Google Workspace but am hopeful this will happen very soon. If so, I can share some of the many photos taken of recent events!
I also have a new email address :
My old ‘@mgfl.net‘ address may work for a short time too.
That’s all for now,
Thank you,
Miss Brunt