This week’s homework (due Friday 4th October)

Hi everyone,

Just a wee announcement to say that this week’s homework is business as usual. Reading homework will be half the book for Wednesday, and the rest of the book for Friday. Spelling/Read-Write-Inc. homework is also due on Friday, and in class we have started the 4 times table if your child wants extra practice at home!

Keep up the hard work 🙂

Mr McGaff

P2 Homework w.b. 30.9.19

I can’t believe October is just around the corner, the weeks are flying in!

P1/2 are performing their Harvest assembly on Friday 11th October at 11am and we would love for you to be there, if you can! I popped a letter into all the P1/2 bags about this, please remember if you are joining us that there is a limit of two guests per child as we have limited space in the hall. If you also have any donations for our Harvest collection, please bring these in ASAP. All donations are going to Women’s Aid. 

A gentle reminder that all children should be coming to school with indoor and outdoor shoes, their bookbags every day, a full PE kit and water bottles should be filled with water only.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. This week we are focusing on expression when we are reading!

Spelling: Our sound this week is ‘ar’ (star, far), please encourage your child to read their spelling words as well as write them in their jotter.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P7 Info W/B 30th September 2019

Hi all,

Info for this week:


  • Golf (for a group )

Tuesday PE


  • Lunchtime Drawing Club

Thursday –     Rugby

Friday – P6 and P7 Rugby Festival; permission slips needed back in ASAP. This is for the whole class.

Independent Study Task – Apologies for no task sent home last week but we were having technical issues with printers and photocopiers! Fingers crossed, normal service resumes this week. A maths task will be sent home on Wednesday, even if the children have to write the task down themselves, like the old days! I will also put a challenge on Sumdog.

World War 2 Topic – This week, P7 will begin to study the history surrounding WW11. If anyone has any photos, memorabilia, artefacts, books or anything relating to WW11 that can be brought in, that would be most helpful. All items will be carefully looked after!

If anyone has a family member who remembers the war as a child and would like to share their stories with us, that would be incredible. My mum has written her memoirs from being a young child in the war years and I’ll share these with the class.

Harvest Appeal – P1 and P2 are hosting the Harvest Assembly soon and have asked for donations of larder items and toiletries to be sent in ASAP. If you have anything you’d like to donate, that would be super. The collected items are divided up and gifted to Women’s Aid.

Water bottles – Can all children come to school with a filled water bottle please. Children are turning up with empty bottles and asking to go to the water fountain in the dining hall to refill. This is causing delays in the morning and can be very disruptive and detrimental to our precious ‘learning minutes’.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt




Head lice

Hi all,

It’s that time of year again where head lice makes an appearance! Could I ask that parents are aware of this and are checking their child’s hair if they suspect their child has them.

Please ensure it is treated at home until all head lice have cleared to prevent them from spreading. The best time to check for head lice is when your child’s hair is wet and by using a fine nit comb.

Thank you!

P1/2 Harvest Songs

Hi all,

P1 and P2 have been practising the songs for their Harvest assembly this week and a few have been wanting to practise them at home too. I have put the links below that we use in class for these songs and please feel free to practise these with your children!

Harvest Samba: (We stop this at 1:45 and instead of ‘Thank you to God the Father’, we sing ‘Thank you to all the farmers’).

Cauliflowers Fluffy:

All songs have the lyrics in the video – Happy singing!

Miss Lauren Waller

This week’s homework (due Friday 27th September)

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a restful weekend!

Homework is back to normal this week. Reading homework and spelling/read-write-inc are due on Friday, however if you have any questions about either of these please do not hesitate to get in touch. It has been wonderful hearing that your children are enjoying our maths learning walls, and I hope that this enthusiasm continues!

A quick update regarding P3 PE days – Tuesday‘s PE slot is now a Monday for the next three weeks. Please make sure that your child has appropriate kit for this.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P5 Info 23/9/19

I cannot believe that we are nearing the end of September!  Mrs Cumming and I look forward to seeing you at the Learning Trio meetings to plan next steps for pupils.  These are 27th September and 10th of October.

Please can we remind pupils to only have WATER IN WATER BOTTLES for class time, flavoured water and juice does not follow our healthy schools guidelines.

HOMEWORK: PLEASE NOTE pupils have reading every day.  Homework and reading should be recorded in homework diaries (small blue jotter).

SPELLING – Pupils should write their words 3 times and then include them in sentences, a silly story etc. DUE FRIDAY

MATHS – Pupils should continue to use SUMDOG and really focus on times tables development and mentally adding and subtracting numbers within 100.

P2 Homework w.b. 23.9.19

Hi all,

Letters about the P1/2 Harvest assembly and collection will be put into book bags this week. Miss Ramsay and I will also be allocating parts this week, so children who have speaking parts will be given their lines to take home and practise.

Primary 2 are starting drumming on Tuesday 24th September, there will be a number of sessions leading up to a performance for the school before the end of the year.

Just a gentle reminder that learning trio appointments begin on Friday 27th September from 1pm.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read for that night have been written into your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside the date to evidence that reading homework has been completed for that night.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘qu’ sound this week (queen, quack), so the spelling list contains words with this sound.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller