I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Homework is set to start next week and the children will bring it home in their green book bags. If your child has not brought one into school yet, then please send them with it next week. There will be more information about homework next week, when it begins. Please also ensure your child has a small tub labelled with their name to put their words in, thank you.
P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E. It can be a good idea to ensure your child is dressed in clothing which they can independently take off/put on for these days.
Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing.
This week we are learning the sounds (p, i, n) and the numbers 6 – 10. We have also started learning about some new book characters from our ORT books, to prepare us for when we begin reading.
Assembly on Friday with Mrs Caldwell.
Reminder – P1 curriculum evening for P1 parents only on Monday 5th September at 5:30pm.
Thank you,
Miss Lauren Waller