P6 Info W/B 30.11.20 ***Edited***

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Space Presentations

We had our first presentations last week and I have to say I am so impressed with each pair and individual who presented their talk on Space. Some of the graphics ,models and animations used to support what was being said were amazing.

Here’s the rota for this week. Everyone gets a practice beforehand.

Week beginning 30th November

Monday 30th – CK

Tuesday 1st Dec – OC

Wednesday 2nd – CG & EvT

Thursday 3rd – Emc & LC ; IG

Friday 4th – EW & AR ; EH & CL


PE  – Tuesday and Thursday

 We may be able to get another PE slot soon ( indoors) but children will still need to come to school ready dressed. Info to follow once a hall time has been confirmed. Our 2nd slot will now be on Thursdays, starting this week!

Spelling – as normal

Numeracy – Times tables practice. This week , in class we are continuing to revise decimal numbers and fractions.  We’ll also be revising telling the time ( analogue, digital and 24hour clock)

This week, we’ll link measure activities into decimals work and  make comparisons between imperial and metric systems.

December activities – We started to chat about what’s coming up in December and hopefully a newsletter will come home soon with all the dates and times of events.

A quick summary:

Every child received a letter regarding our filming of a Christmas song in school. This year every class has chosen a Christmas song and we will be filming us lip syncing or using sign language along with the song. This letter must be initialled against every statement and signed by Monday 7th December, if you wish for your child to take part. If this letter is not returned or filled out then your child will not be taking part. 

Christmas Cards – Soon, children will be able to post Christmas cards to other pupils in school – we have a Covid friendly system in place. *** The post box is now ready! ***

Christmas Party – Children can wear a Christmas jumper this day rather than bring party clothes to change into. Each class will have a separate time slot in a hall for games but most of the fun will happen in the classroom.  Date to be confirmed. Cost £2 (This covers food, prizes and a charity donation).

Pantos – We have two online Pantos to watch this year. One is from the Brunton Theatre.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






p3 Home work week beginning 30/11/20


Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is ready to go for another week at LPS!


If you see task on your child’s group I have sent a sheet home with them. This gives a variety of different possible task ideas. You and your child can pick a minimum of one to do but please do not feel limited to one either. These can be verbal tasks or tasks recorded in their blue homework jotter. In addition they also provide some good ideas and questions to assist with guided reading to work on your child’s comprehension whilst daily reading largely works on fluency and decoding. 

Stripes: Jungle Shorts

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday –  Chapter 2
Wednesday –Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Zigs Zags: Victorian Adventure

Task sheet available but not compulsory.

Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday –  page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17 -24
Thursday – page 25-32

Spots: Coming Clean

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday –  Chapter 2
Wednesday –Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Polka Dots:  I Wish, I Wish

Monday – Chapter 1 + 2
Tuesday –  Chapter 3 + 4
Wednesday – Chapter 5 + 6
Thursday – Chapter 7 + 8

Waves: A Bad Fox

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15

Lightening Bolts: In the Mud

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15


Their spelling words are stapled into the blue homework jotter. These words need to be learnt and the children should look out for other words of the same spelling pattern when they are reading.

Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.

Red Group: ‘gr, pr , tr ’ sound at the start of words.

Words such as: pram , gran, trick

Yellow Group: ‘ar’ spelling pattern

Words such as: car , dark, start

Can I ask that you encourage your children as far as possible to be using cursive writing and forming their letters correctly and starting and ending at the correct point.

www.doorwayonline.co.uk gives children a good visual example of where their letters should start and finish.

Green Group: Word lists in the homework jotter.

Have a lovely week everyone!

Miss Ramsay

P7 Homework – Week Beg: 30th November

Hi P7,

Your homework this week includes,

1. Create an Ideas list on job roles for House Captains around the school.
As part of P7, we normally would have House captains elected for Dryden, Gladhouse and Edgelaw. Due to Covid-19 this has not happened yet. Can you come up with ideas for jobs that the pupils could do in school that still adheres to government guidelines?

2. Learn your spelling words and complete the tasks.

3. Maths Activity 1 – Fractions Friday. Learn the revision sheet given to you on converting fractions into decimals and percentages. (10 minutes would be the minimum I recommend on learning your fractions each week.)

4. Maths Activity 2 – Complete the Money activity on Jobs and Salaries. You can complete this on the Google document.
Alternatively, you can also create a new google doc and type the answers there to turn in.

5. Continue working on your pupil talk, if you have not finished it!

NOTE: I will be providing paper copies for pupils who are still having issues with accessing Google Classroom. Please let me know on Monday 30th November if you require a paper copy.

Fractions Friday
The work to be learnt this week as your task will be tested on Friday 4th December by Mrs Caldwell.


Mr Nelson

🌈 P5 Info – 23.11.20

I can’t believe how quickly time is going, we are almost in December!!

Please remember that we need to keep windows open for ventilation, so children may get a little chilly. They can bring in an extra jumper/hoody but please ensure it is clearly labelled with their name.

Flu vaccinations (nasal sprays) are on Wednesday.

🔬We had science with Mrs Cumming this afternoon and learned all about the water cycle and the states of matter. The children had lots of fun trying to melt ice as quickly as they could using a range of materials.

*Mrs Cumming is gathering some materials for science, we are looking for the following: empty plastic bottles (2 litre ones), water bottle caps (the ones you push up and down) and any old CD’s/DVD’s. Thank you.*

🏃🏼‍♂️ Mrs Duncan is back this week, so P.E is on Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure children come dressed appropriately.

⭐️ ZOOM Assembly on Friday at 11:30AM.

Homework 📝

Reading 📚- Pages to be read will be written in your child’s reading record daily. Please ensure reading is completed every night with an emphasis on expression.

Spelling✏️ – The new spelling list was copied down this morning (Monday).

Maths/Numeracy 🔢 – There will be a task uploaded on Google Classroom tomorrow morning (Tuesday). I will have printed copies for those who cannot access Google Classroom.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller



🍂Primary 1 news and info 23/11/2020 🌈

The end of November is near….I cannot believe it. 🍁

🌟This week we are shaking things up a bit in P1 – Rearranging the seating in the classroom and creating new reading groups for everyone.

🔔We are also beginning to “rehearse” a simple Nativity performance that I hope to film and put together…somehow (watch this space). We will be doing this while sticking to restrictions and guidance so unfortunately we are limited in activities this year –  but I have had my creative hat on.

📚 Reading – pupils have reading to do each night, this is essential.  You should encourage them to sound out the sounds in each word and say them if they meet words they are unsure of (e.g. h-a-t is hat).  Each group has stage 2 or 3 words to learn, this is really important for progression through the stages.

📊 Maths/Number- This week we will be looking at: Counting to 20, ordering numbers and counting backwards as well as identifying amounts in a ten frame. (playing dominoes and games like snakes and ladders with 2 dice is a great way to support this).  We are also continuing to look at data handling through tally marks and bar charts.

🌈PROUD CLOUD ☁️ – Have a look on Seesaw for info on “proud cloud” help I have asked for.

💻  SEESAW ACTIVITIES – There is a CVC (Consonant, vowel, consonant) word activity (suggested day-Tuesday) and a count and match activity (suggested day-Thursday).  Digital learning is quicker, more eco friendly and often involves less writing, which can be off putting for children.  If you do require a paper copy just let me know and I can print it.  If there are issues with opening these activities please get in touch as sometimes I do not notice faults right away.


Mrs H

Children In Need 2020

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in and donated to Children In Need 2020.

A whopping £333 was collected on the day and with Gift Aid, this takes the total to over £400!


P6 Info W/B 23rd November 2020

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Space Presentations

We discussed these on Friday and children were able to select a time slot to present  theirs in the next two weeks. Anyone who has produced a Microsoft PowerPoint should be able to upload this to Glow.

  • Log into Glow
  • Select ‘View My Files’ ( Top right hand corner)
  • Select ‘Google Drive’
  • Click on ‘NEW ‘( top left hand corner)
  • Select ‘Upload File’

Week beginning 23rd November

Monday 23rd – AC

Tuesday 24th – RC & CR

Wednesday 25th – NS &LB ;  SW/AI/MG

Thursday 26th – LuD;  EM & BC

Friday 27th – TST ; LiD & OT

Week beginning 30th November

Monday 30th – CK

Tuesday 1st Dec – OC

Wednesday 2nd – CG & EvT

Thursday 3rd – EMc & LC ; IG

Friday 4th – EW & AR ; EH & CL

PE  – Tuesday

 **We may be able to get another PE slot soon ( indoors) but children will still need to come to school ready dressed. Info to follow once a hall time has been confirmed.**

Spelling – as normal

Numeracy – Times tables practice. This week  in class, we are continuing to revise decimal numbers and fractions.  I’ve put on a couple of related challenges on Sumdog. We’ll also be revising telling the time ( analogue, digital and 24hour clock)

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt