Primary 1 Homework- 2.5.16


May day holiday- school is closed.


Due to the Monday holiday there will be no spelling homework this week.

Phonics homework – An initial blends phonics sheet will be sent home today please keep this in the sounds folder. Please help your child to sound out the words on it. This weeks initial blends are cl fl gl sl and bl.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Children will visit the school library today. Please ensure that any library books are returned no later than today. If books are not returned your child will be unable to borrow another book today. Books borrowed today will be due back on Tues 17th May.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P4 Homework 26/04/16

Homework 26/04/16


Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we will soon be focusing on the 9x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 4x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learn-its updated please let me know. Some of the children have now begun to do subtraction and multiplication learn-its in class. If your child feels they are ready for this, please let me know.

Sum Dog– I am not setting a specific challenge this week, but if you can, please play!


See spelling worksheets (2) in school bags.

Reading– All children have new books.

Red/ Orange Group- Chapter 1 of HEDGEHOG GIRL

Blue Group- Chapter 6 of AKIMBO AND THE BABOONS

Purple Group- Chapter 6 of AKIMBO AND THE SNAKE

Yellow Group- Chapter 6 of DOUBLE ACT

Green Group- Chapter 6 of ARISTOTLE

Pink- See reading diaries/folders


P3 Homework 25/4/16

Spelling Homework


Write your words out in 3 neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.

Task 2:

We have been working on proper nouns in class. Names of people, places, days and Months are proper nouns. All proper nouns are given a capital letter.

Write 3 sentences,  with one of your spelling words and a proper noun in each.

spelling WB 25th April

Numeracy Homework

Task 1: Continue to work with your ‘learn it’ cards.

Task 2: 2 x table worksheet.  This will come home in jotters.



P1 Homework- 25.4.16

Thank you to everyone who brought in pictures, items and stories to tell/show to the class for our Great Granny’s attic topic. The children really enjoyed looking at these and finding out about life in the past. Pictures will follow soon.


Spelling homework–  Children will be given a list of new spelling words today. Please practise and learn these at home. We will have a spelling test on Friday.

Phonics homework– Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continue to practise all key words.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Spelling test

Spelling homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P2 Homework W/B 25.4.16

Homework this week: issued on Tuesday.

Spelling/Handwriting – this week the spelling focus is  ‘aw’ as in saw, paw etc.

Reading as normal – check the green homework bags daily.

Numeracy – Fractions Worksheet

No Sumdog challenge this week.

PE is on Thursday and Friday. Children have been running 5-8 minutes daily over the last couple of weeks and already we can see a difference in stamina, technique and agility! Keep it up, P2!


P2 Bright Sparks

We have just come to the end of a topic about electricity. This covered being safe around electricity and making simple circuits. Here follows a few photos of activities we did. The children really seemed to enjoy themselves.

WP_005689Spinning art – a card disc spins on a motor. The girls here use pens to mark the disc as it spins. The fun bit is when the spinning stops and the pattern can be revealed!

WP_005694Testing materials for conductivity and recording findings.

WP_005573Sorting items into groups- does the item only use mains power, or only battery power or can it use both? The hoops were used as sets.


WP_005574Recording thoughts onto a Venn diagram.

WP_005576Look! We can make two bulbs light!

WP_005580I’ll be your fan! Using a motor and propeller to make a working fan.