Independence Skills

Hi everyone, hope we are all doing okay as we enter our second week of this very strange new normal. We are missing you all very much! This week we thought we could focus on developing your little one’s independence skills. In our normal day to day life it is so hard to focus on these skills as we are rushing around to get to nursery, school and work. Now life has taken on a bit of a slower pace, for some, its the perfect time to encourage them to dress themselves, put on their own socks and shoes and their coats. Here are some tips we use within nursery to encourage independence:

  • Coats: Hood on and arms in!
  • For underwear its easier if it was a picture on as then the rule can be picture to the front.
  • Sitting down is the easiest way – sit down till you can see your feet and then up to pull them up.
  • For shoes you can make a simple foot mat – draw around their shoes onto a piece of A4 paper, once they have put on their shoes get them to stand on the mat and if they match they are on the right feet!

Here’s a song you can play them to help encourage the process –

Some of these tips are super simple but sometimes simple is best! We would love to see pictures or videos of your little ones putting on their own coats and shoes!

Remember to drop us an email if you need anything at all. Stay safe everyone x

P7 Info W/B 30.3.20

Hi all,

I hope everyone is safe and well in this difficult time.

This is just a short post to remind children to check into Glow  and Google Classroom for daily tasks this week. A new task board has been put up today.

Next week is the Easter break so no new tasks will appear in that time.

If anyone has problems logging in, please email me at:

Many thanks,

Miss S Brunt


Let’s go on an adventure with Auntie Mabel and Pippin..

‘Come Outside’ is another one of our favourites within nursery. The series aims to encourage young children to learn about the world around them. The theme is something that the children are already familiar with, such as water, wood, paper, boots, spiders, street lamps etc and Auntie Mabel helps to answers those questions that curious little minds have.

Here are a few videos that you and your child may like to visit..

(You might even remember these videos from your own childhood!!).







Poem for Nursery Children

Here is a lovely poem we would like to share with you all. Nursery rhymes and poems can support the development of language and communication skills from an early age. Rhymes can help them understand and learn about different sounds. This is an important part of developing those early years literacyNursery rhymes and poems can support the development of language and communication skills from an early age. Rhymes can help them understand and learn about different sounds. This is an important part of developing those early years literacy skills.

Poem for Nursery Children


Hello from Nursery!

Hi everyone,

Hope we are all well and keeping safe! We miss you all and don’t quite know how to fill our days without all your little people keeping us busy.

We will be posting on here hopefully quite regularly and sharing some things that your children enjoy while at nursery with us.

Our first share for today is a Youtube channel that you may be familiar with called Cosmic Kids Yoga.

We use this within nursery to have some quiet time usually after lunch and the children engage with this so well. Yoga is beneficial to children both physically and emotionally. Physically it enhances their flexibility, coordination, muscle tone and their spacial awareness. Emotionally it helps them to relax and relieve any anxiety they may feel. It will also help them to concentrate and focus on any tasks they may have later in the day. Most importantly it can help them sleep better at night – worth a go I think! 

Our personal favourites at nursery are:

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt



Popcorn the Dolphin

There are lots of different videos that you can all get involved with as a whole family! Please share any photos or videos of you doing yoga with us via email!

Stay safe everyone and please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.

Loanhead Nursery x

P4 Assembly 20th March

Primary 4 worked amazingly hard on their assembly which was for last Friday.  Sadly then never had their usual audience and parents were unable to come along and see them.

I took a wee video and some photos so they can share their learning with you.


Mrs Hinton

Glow Troubleshooting

• I checked all pupil usernames and passwords last week and was able to log into Glow but if there are issues please email me at

• CANNOT ACCESS GOOGLE CLASSROOM? – It works best on Chrome browser and you need to have a google account logged in. If there are 2 or more children in the house then you may need to make a new google account with glow email (ending in and have that logged in. I know this is annoying but should save time in the long run – different versions of Chrome require different things.

  • The google classroom app will not work, you need to use the google chrome browser and Glow.
  • Google classroom work can be done on paper/jotters and handed in by uploading a hwhoto of the work and sending it within the assignment (there is a small video I made about this in most Google Classrooms)
  • Midlothian Glow and Google Classroom help page is now up and running, if you have no device to access google classroom you can also request to loan a device from this link.

• Sumdog and Education city can be accessed online without Glow if you have issues.

• If you get locked out of Glow, it usually only lasts ten minutes before allowing you to retry.

I will try to update this with common troubleshooting issues the more that I come across. Thanks for your patience,

Mrs Hinton