P1 Week Beginning 30/04/18

Hi All,

From now until the end of May Miss Cummings is the class teacher although I will be around helping out.

Sounds:  This week are  at,  in and og. The focus of this is rhyme. Homework will be coming out this week for this.

Reading: Please see the red cards as usual for reading and continue to revise all the words in their tin.

Spelling: All children have 4 new words in their green jotter, as usual thy don’t have to be done in the jotter – which ever way they want to learn them so they enjoy doing them.

PE has changed to a Wednesday morning.

Assemblies will alternate between Friday mornings and Thursday afternoons to allow for the future P1 to join in as part of their transition program.

Mrs Cumming


P6 Spelling Homework

Monday 30th April

Please READ< COVER< WRITE< CHECK all words twice in jotter.

Complete 2 activities from sheet at front of jotter.

For Monday 14th May

P2 Homework W/B 30.4.18

Hi all,

Homework this week-

Spelling–  List 35 ‘au’

Reading – ongoing. Please check post-it notes in books and please ensure that you hear your child read aloud.  Thanks.

TopicSeashore– if anyone has anything to bring in to show, regarding the seashore, please it bring in!

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

That is all for this week,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P3 Homework From 24th April

Primary 3 Homework – 24th April to 1st May

On Wednesday afternoon we will be going for our walk around Loanhead, finding different kinds of houses and spotting ways that homes have been made energy efficient.

This week I would particularly highlight the numeracy game mentioned below. We have been working on this in class and everyone seems keen to have more shots without having to take turns with the rest of the class!

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




Moving on in our work on fractions, we have been identifying different fractions of shapes and grids.

To help with this, the children can play a game called Fractions Flags.


This game can be tricky, but with support the children should get the hang of it and end up with some amazing creations!

I will also set a fractions challenge on SumDog.



Reading grids will come home today. Please look out also for comprehension quizzes to be finished.

Some pupils have been racing ahead and finishing their books in class time. If this happens, please can I recommend that you still hear them reading pages out loud at home. The practice of sounding out word and allowing reading to be guided by the punctuation is very valuable.



Spelling – Please could we practice the following words and then use them in some sentences:

pollution          electricity

energy             solar

double             glazing

power              insulation

P7 info 23/4/18

Dear P7 Parents,

PLEASE COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FOR EDEN ROCK BEFORE TUES 24TH – USE THIS LINK   http://www.edenrockclimbing.com/registration/

Virgin £5 challenge.

In class we have been working on enterprise and teamwork skills and hope to have an enterprise week next month.  In that week pupils will take part in the £5 challenge from Virgin Money where they will work in small groups on a variety of activities to try and make £5 grow.

Pupils have thought about various ways they could use their £5 to make more profit, this week they have thought about possible issues that may arise and how they may prevent these.  Soon, pupils will be asked to present their ideas to Mrs Donnelly – they should know their plan, costing, how they will prevent problems, possible profits and perhaps even have a prototype.  It will also be important that they can answer questions about their venture.  This week, as part of their homework, they are being asked to talk to people at home about their ideas and put their presentation together.  I look forward to hear about all of their exciting ideas very soon.  Profits made will go towards drama props and art materials for our Leavers’ assembly.

Transition Tests

We are working our way through transition tests in Numeracy this week.  High School requires pupils to get 60% or less in their tests so that they can see where their gaps are and address these first.  It does seem a bit strange that pupils are not expected to get a higher mark and some cannot get their head around it.  Please assure your child that they have all worked very hard this year and these tests are a mere snapshot of their learning.

Leavers’ Books

Last year we made small autograph/year books in P7 and they cost £6-7.  I have a larger book template and the class have all said they really like these and would like the opportunity to make them.  I have a lot of photographs of them over the years so this would make a lovely keepsake.  The cost would be £8.50, please can pupils bring this in ASAP.  As part of our Leavers’ events I am asking if I could get any photos of pupils starting P1 (as well as other years), Photos of them doing something they are proud of and if possible a copy of the P1 class photo.  I will scan any photos and return them to you once I have – please put child’s name on the back of each photo.  Alternatively please email me anything you think would work to k.hinton@mgfl.net.

Such a busy term, I will try to keep the website updated as much as possible.


Many Thanks

Mrs Hinton

P2 Homework W/B 23.4.18

Hi all,

Homework this week-

Spelling–  List 31 ‘er’

Reading – ongoing. Please check post-it notes in books and please ensure that you hear your child read aloud.  Thanks.

TopicSeashore– if anyone has anything to bring in to show, regarding the seashore, please it bring in!

That is all for this week,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt


P1 Week Beginning 23/04/18

We had a lovely trip to the beach – what a nice way to start our first week back.

Reading: All children will have new reading books this week, please see the red card as usual and continue to help them learn their words in their word tins.

Numeracy: Last week we were learning about ordinal numbers (first, second, third…1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) they will have some homework connected with this.

Literacy: We are finishing the consonant blends this week so will be learning ‘sp, st and sw’.

Please see the green book for this week’s common words…again these can be learned however suits your child, it does not need to be completed in the jotter.

Show and Tell: This term we will be doing a more formal Show and Tell. Each child will be told when they are to do Show and Tell, what it is to be about and what is expected. As this is about early presentation skills I will be talking to them about: Speaking clearly, a minimum of three sentences, looking at the audience and being able to properly show the subject of their Show and Tell. I will be sending a rota home with the dates each child will do theirs and the subject. Please help your child to learn how to present their Show and Tell.

PE is on a Tuesday Morning and Monday afternoons this term.

Please make sure your child has their indoor shoes at school, their PE kit, and as the weather is getting warmer, a water bottle.

From Monday 30th April Miss Cummings will be taking responsibility of the class until the end of May.

Lisa Cumming